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Main Components of Metaverse

5 minute read

Main Components of Metaverse Recap of Metaverse Do not want to deal with high data rate, wnat to deal with a lower data rate and try increase user experienc...

Advanced Effective Speech Week3

18 minute read

Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translatio Pre-study Machine Translating(MT): Important sub-field of nlp that aims the translation of ...

Advanced Effective Speech Week3

2 minute read

Advanced Effective Speech Week3 Review vocab To Ring a Bell Remember(not fully) To Twist Someone’s Arm Persuade To Play It By Far Without plans, go with...

Driving TurtleBot via ROS2 messages

6 minute read

Driving TurtleBot via ROS messages Objective ROS bridge comes with a few popular rostopics that are packaged for ease of use More details are in the ROS &am...