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PointCloud Data

1 minute read

PointCloud Data What is PointCloud data? Computer Vision Computer Vision: Replicating the human visual system in machine learning, granting them the ability...

Advanced Effective Speech Week3

3 minute read

Advanced Effective Speech Week3 Shamima Begum Case Review Basic Overview Girl who left the U.K. for I.S. Reasons for S.B. going to I.S. -Influenced by Sha...

WSL Week4 News Article

5 minute read

Is not having kids selfish? Some women in countries with the world’s lowest fertility rates think otherwise Aoife Yi 26-year-old high school teacher, Didn’t...

WSL Week4 Content

1 minute read

Characteristics, Functions and Effects of Mass Communication Professor notes Media Effects Media does affect all of us Sometime media’s affect is intentiona...

The Evolution of the English Language

3 minute read

The Evolution of the English Language Pre-study Introduction English language is a result of the invasions of the island of Britain over hundreds of years ...