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자동차 = 복합적 기계 바퀴, 엔진이 장착된 기계로써 이동시키는 기계 전기 자동차 다시 진행 자동차 특징 -전기차 전 25000여개의 부품으로 제작됨 -안전과 품질 중요 -CAN Network 처음 실행 얼마 안 됨 자동차 산업 특징 -안전과 품질 중요! 토요타 가스 ...

WSL Week5 News Article

9 minute read

Gloria Steinem on the trailblazing magazine ‘for women in all their diversity’ Professor Notes Magazine Developed 1972 Gloria Steigman cofounder of Magazin...


5 minute read

Review How Radio Adapted to Changing Technologies 1920s: Boom in Radio -Problem: Radio waves became so crowded, nearly every radio had poor or sporadic rec...

Serverless Lambda

2 minute read

Create Lambda Funtions using Serverless Framework Ubuntu20.04 VM Configuration


1 minute read

Create S3 Create two S3 buckets (1)S3 Bucket name: inferencefilecsv1 (Same as the old inferencefilecsv) The S3 bucket, named ‘inferencefilecsv’, is designate...