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American Novels

15 minute read

American Novels Kahoot Chap 1 to 3 Game 1.What time period was a reaction against Reason and return to nature? Romanticism(1800 to 1850) 2.Every citizen s...

Quick Sort Algorithm

less than 1 minute read

Professor Recitation Basic Quick Sort Pivot X is designated as A[0] or A[n-1] Understanding through Examples Cheating Version Standard Version

Dijkstra Algorithm

less than 1 minute read

Professor Recitation Dijkstra Algorithm Dijkstra Algorithm: Algorithm used to find the shortest past between two distances. What is different f...

Hashing Algorithm

less than 1 minute read

Professor Recitation Hashing Instead of allocating a lot of space, let’s allocate less space. Store the items in a smaller dynamic direct access array with ...

Contents Based Recommendation System

1 minute read

Contents Based Recommendation System Introduction 협업 시스템은 추천을 만들기 위해 사용자의 평점 패턴의 상관관계를 이용한다. 한편으로 이러한 방법은 예측을 계산할 때 아이템의 속성을 이용하지 않는다. 상관관계를 이용하는 것은 낭비처럼 ...