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AWS Sagemaker

3 minute read

AWS Sagemaker ML Pipleine Section1: Problem Formulation Formulate problem according to the business problem Section2: Collect and Label Data :...

Algorithm Wrap Up

1 minute read

Algorithm Wrap Up Algorithm problems category 1) Unsolvable problem: No problems exist to solve them 2) Solvable problem: An algorithm exists to solve them....

Pure Genetics Algorithm Project

1 minute read

Pure Genetics Algorithm Problem 방향성이 없는 간선에 가중치가 부여된 단순 그래프(simple graph) G = (V, E)가 주어진다. V와 E는 각각 정점 집합과 간선 집합이다. 정점 집합 V를 두 개의 집합 S와 S’(=V-S)로 나누는 방법은 여러...