Afghan girls detained and lashed by Taliban for violating hijab rules

Professor notes

Taliban, most of them couldn’t even read
Native language of Afghanistan
RUnning drugs, very much like a Mafia
Have a weak central government
Believe Islam
Teenagers are being arrested because of the head scarfs
Street markets common
Accuse wearind bad hijab and wearking makeup
August 2021: Restrict access to the eductaion, employment, and public spaces
First, said we are not going back again
Public spaces, women are now available to go to a park
Afraid of women
May 2022:
Women cover themselves head to toe
Beat up, wipped up their leggs and feet and even beat up father
Even wore a face mask
Said they were bad muslims for studying English and want to go abroad
Signed, not leave her home without ..
Not allowed to study English
Can’t go to school
Father beat up for studying English
Don’t want to study anymore
Zabihullah Mujahid (Spokesman for Taliban)
Family are the ones that contacted them, this ministry for propoagtion of virtue and prevention of vice that they were daughters were supported by promoting bad hijab
Saying it was a family complaint
Thy sent a special envoy, but Taliban don’t cooperate
Don’t want outsiders saying them what to do
They’re scared, don’t get out in public
Number of women and men demonstrating capital city.. “beautiful lif’ by promoting and observing proper hijab
Wawnted children released from gov
It is out of fear


Held in custody or imprisoned
Afghan girls were held in custody or imprisoned by the Taliban due to accusations of them violating specific rules
This implies that their freedom was temporarily revoked as a consequence of their actions or alleged actions
A form of corporal punishment where individuals are whipped or beaten, often with a specific number of strikes as a penalty
In many contexts, this is considered a severe form of punishment
The term here indicates that the girls faced physical punishment as part of the consequences for allegedly not adhering to the hijab rules set by the Taliban
People who are considered by the Taliban to be non-believers or those who do not adhere to their strict interpretation of Islamic teachings and laws
especially regarding modesty and the wearing of the hijab
A formal order or command was issued, typically by a governing authority or leader
It implies that the instruction for women to cover themselves from head to toe, revealing only their eyes, was officially established as a rule or law
When the term “decreed” is used, it often carries the weight of authority and indicates that the directive is not optional but mandatory, with the expectation of compliance from those to whom it applies
Act of attempting to engage in rational discussion or argument
A preventive measure or action taken to avoid potential harm or to ensure safety
Having a strong desire, ambition, or goal to achieve something, in this case, to go abroad
Lale’s use of the term indicates that she, along with others, had hopes or plans to travel outside of their country for various possible reasons, such as education, work, or a different lifestyle, which were ambitions not approved of by the Taliban
A piece of clothing or fabric that women are required to wear to cover their hair and often part of their face, according to specific dress codes enforced by the Taliban
Being officially prevented or prohibited from doing something, in this case, attending school
The act of spreading, promoting, or disseminating certain principles or practices
Behaviors, actions, or practices considered immoral, unethical, or wrong according to the Taliban’s interpretation of Islamic law
Temporary release of someone from custody, usually by paying a sum of money or bond,
which acts as a guarantee that the person will return for their court appearance or comply with certain conditions set by the court
The act of holding or confining individuals against their will, typically by law enforcement or military personnel, due to allegations of wrongdoing or as a security measure
These terms imply that individuals were forcibly held by authorities without immediate release, often pending investigation, questioning, or as a form of punishment
A representative or messenger, often sent by a government or international organization, tasked with a specific diplomatic mission
engage with
Actively interact, communicate, or establish a dialogue with someone or a group, with the intention of influencing, understanding, negotiating, or achieving a specific outcome
This engagement aims to create a constructive dialogue that could lead to positive changes in how women’s rights are respected and implemented under Taliban rule
A severe or sudden enforcement action taken by authorities to suppress a particular activity or behavior
Here, it denotes a targeted effort by the authorities (in this case, likely the Taliban) to restrict or limit the basic rights of women through the use of arrests or similar punitive measures
This term suggests an increase in the intensity or frequency of actions aimed at controlling or diminishing the freedoms and rights of women in Afghanistan
The act of forcibly establishing or applying rules, penalties, or conditions that influence or dictate behavior
Causing fear or discouragement, often as a way to influence behavior or decisions
In this context, the actions described as a crackdown can create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation
This atmosphere affects not just the individuals directly involved (those who are arrested) but also has a broader impact on women working in essential sectors like health, education, and nutrition
The act of forcibly establishing or applying rules, penalties, or conditions that influence or dictate behavior
The term suggests a unilateral action taken by an authority (such as a government or governing body) to enforce compliance with certain expectations or standards, often without the consent or agreement of those affected
Revealing or making known information that is not immediately apparent or is meant to be kept confidential
In this case, the female Afghan activist has chosen not to reveal her identity while sharing videos and photographs with the media
This decision could be for personal safety, to avoid repercussions, or for other reasons related to privacy or security concerns in the current sociopolitical climate of Afghanistan

Taliban edict to resume stoning women to death met with horror

Professor notes

Start stoning women to death
Publicly stoning women to death
Human rights group: Other countries being silent, enblodening them to do more human rights violations
Safia Arefi, layer and head of Afghan
Condemned to the darkest day to the Talaban rules
Expreience depth of loneliness (Can’t get out of their homes)
International companies chose to stay silent
Afghanistan is poor
Hard situation to deal with, cut off
Begin enforcing sharia law
Whipping and stoning people for adultery
Stone them to death
Binary vision of life everything black and white, that’s what god wants
Continuation of struggle of western influences, this is only the beginning
Any remaining rights, have been taken away, almost complete
Little by little, taking away rights
Resentment builds up,
Stoning, how worse can it get
Before taliban, had constitution, western gov helped them create that
But now its onver
Had some rule of law, codified crimes and penal codes, punishment you will received
2021 Agust:
Received rigid and fundamentalist Karan and Hadith come from.. written in language
It needs to stay in Arabic
Worked over previous gov, no more lawyers and judges
PUblic stoning violation of international laws
Now they were powerless to defent themselves from persecution and injustice
Past year:
Graduated from law school
Executing people in stadiums, and don’t let them be photoed


A form of capital punishment where a group of people throw stones at a person until they die
This method of execution has historically been used in various cultures and is associated with punishment for certain crimes, often adultery or other offenses considered severe under specific legal or religious laws
A formal proclamation or order issued by an authority
In this case, the term refers to a decree made by the Taliban, acting as the governing authority in parts of Afghanistan, to officially reinstate the practice of stoning women to death for particular violations
The use of the word “edict” implies that this decision is a top-down directive that is meant to be followed and enforced across the territories under Taliban control
The government in power, especially one considered authoritarian or dictatorial
In this case, it refers to the Taliban’s governance in Afghanistan
A form of corporal punishment where an individual is beaten with a whip, stick, or similar implement
It is used as a penalty for various offenses under some legal systems, including those based on the Taliban’s interpretation of Sharia law
Flogging, like stoning, is considered by many human rights organizations to be a cruel and inhumane form of punishment
Being held responsible or answerable for one’s actions or the actions of an organization or government
It implies an obligation to explain, justify, and take responsibility for actions, particularly those that have significant ethical, legal, or social implications
To doom or subject someone to a particularly bad situation or fate
The activists’ statement suggests that the announcement (likely referring to policies or actions taken by the Taliban concerning women’s rights) has effectively doomed
The act of engaging in sexual relations with someone who is not one’s spouse, considered a violation of marriage vows
Principles or values associated with democracy, a form of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system
Democratic principles often include respect for human rights, equality, freedom of expression, and the rule of law
These principles contrast sharply with the actions and justifications provided by the speaker, who defends the public stoning or flogging of women for adultery as being in accordance with their interpretation of religious law, implicitly criticizing democratic values for being incompatible with their practices
