
Professor Notes

Some newspapers conservative, Others are liberal
Fox News, more like a propagenda, can make it look like news
Money can be made made by skewing more to the conservative
Includes ommiting a few things
US, freedom of speech is guaranteed
Pretty hard to prove lying to do this
Have lots of liberal rights
Should just journalists always be impartial and open for audiences to decide
How about certain viewpoints should be promoted or sustained
Clear majority said range different people Many people disliked news outlets to take a certain point
Majority of all age groups wanted impartiality
Some younger people: Sometimes we want news outlets to advocate or give credibility to a certain viewpoint
Example: Vaccines
Qualitive interviews, and most of them said I don’t need anyone else to say what to do
Most said they don’t like journalists

How can we have a different viewpoint about a tornado
Better than conspiracy theories
Watching this online, opinions become infused into the news
Most people interviewed, most said they don’t like the blend, opinion in one side and information in the other
Social and political news, equal sides to one sides?
Opinions, should be based on facts
Fasle equivalence
Environmental issues not caused by human? Avoid all the evidences

Only minority believe that
Most people
DIninformation and propogenda is harmful

Donald Trump, insurrection against country
Issues of vaccinations, people make exception, not everything should be presented in a balanced approach, to false equivalence

Older people tend to think they are wise
They think, I don’t care people make arguments, I will figure myself out
SOme people can be sleek to bad arguments
Germany, open to range of view points, even more than other countries
More liberal and younger people tend to think more than conservative people
18-24, fair number of people, we don’t have to be neutral in every single issue
Old people maybe think they’ve figured out, I don’t have to think about anything

Younger people tend to be idealistic, see authentity
Right wing, facisim, think this is dangerous
In UK and Brazil, racism and domestic violence, no neutral, extreme issues
Germany, due to its history, say, because Germany is Democratic, we want to hear about range of issues, but unconstitutional, no limits
Germany has limits in speech to its history, speaking with holding a flag
German 30 year old man, constitution not holding the law, holocaust, not holding the law
As long as its not holocaust denial, ok, if its illegal like that, not ok


Propogenda, opposite of impartiality
Common theme or main theme
Similarities in the definitions
(1)The management of collective attitudes by the man Influence people’s opinions, and sybol important
Nazi flag, unite people
US Flag, to pretend you are a patriot
Used in advertisement
Peculiar thing, go by a new car, go to new car dealer
(2)Trying to shape events, to inluence the relations of the public to an enterprise, idea or group
Bernays, king of propaganda
Advertising, want people to buy products, engage propagenda <br/. Television commercials, selling laundry, spring time ad, influence people to connect these ideas
Can be about ideas, elections, patriotic scenes or groups
(3)Opinion or action delibarately designed to influence opinions or actions
Psychological welfare
(4) Attempts through persuasion-techniques to secure from the paropagenda

Want people to determine the facts common Goal of propagendaist doesn’t wnat people to think clearly about this
Persuade people to think about
Don’t want people to logically and clearly
(5)Unscientific and
Env: Cherry picked examples seeing to it that its true
(8) WIth intention that in any given situation the raeaction
Propagenda has a goal to manipulate their thinking for their own beneift
ex. Wub ekectuib Common word: control
(9) Deliberate systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions
Never by accident
Dilute context of the situation, we are going to talk about this, and leave out this
Another element of fraud is ommiting the information
(10)Conscious and open attempt to influence beliefs of an individual or group
Want to manipulate people
(11)Action benefiting its source
(12)Manipulation of symbols
(13)Single- Sell products, goal, wnat to influence products, think they want to buy it
(14)Action benefiiting its source
(15)Manipulation to close of debate
Don’t want people to think about things rationally

Youtube video : How to control what people do| Propaganda

Edward Bernays
Persuaded women to that Edward would smoke
One thing he did was, persuaded women to smoke more ciagrattes, bacon and eggs as healthy breakfast, overthrow democratic government
=> Propaganda can achieve many things
Bernays wrote a book called Propaganda
Half truth, bias, and many things
Propoganda can be sometimes good
Convince to get more vaccines, (trying to protect health)
Edward Bernays, going back 100 years ago, Bernays,
Brining democracy to europe
Came up with the term public relations
Word propoganda, people were uncomfortable to ww1, so he replaced it to public relations, which is almost the same thing
List of Clients
Some of the groups that propaganda worked for
First three companies are media
Back then, in the US, women smoking was a taboo
Tobaco companies, losing potential of money
Got involved in psychology, contacted psychologists, why women not smoking
Women’s movements in the US around 1990, women got the right to vote
Tried to smoke using the iconic of torches of freedom
Smoking, feminist statist
Bunch of women and parade, and contacted media to set up the whole situation, Lit up cigarettes at the same time, and media covered
Looked at group psychology
If you can influence the leader of the group, then the whole group woule be influenced by the leader
If leader say it’s a good idea, people will think it will be a good idea
Example: Bacon and eggs
Before Berneys
Infactual information, like eat more eggs, bacon and eggs are cheap and healthy (information)
Doctors, influence eating habits
Suggest that stating doctors saying bacons and eggs health
Doctor symbolize a long life and healthy
Asked indirect question, have a hardy breakfast, or something skimpy breakfast?
Nine out of ten doctors recommend a hearty breakfast like this one
Example: Sell piano
old: Buy piano now
New: Need something like this.. make it seem its your idea wanting the piano
Government of guatamolo, passed law, worker rights
United Fruit compnay, lose money, higher wages and
Jacobo Arbenz, president of Guatomolo, was a communist
Paraloyd of a communist
In reality, he was not a communist, elected
Brought journalists to Guatomolo, set up interviews
ARBenz, president US saw him as a communist, CIA involved and overthrew the Arbenz