Afghan girls detained and lashed by Taliban for violating hijab rules

Before internet existed, media was all in paper
Digital media was the next step
Big revolution in media
Go through server, precossors
Digital coding began in the 1940s
Imitation game, Allen Turing the WW2 code breaking device
Early 1970s mico-processors developed, computers became smaller
example: JP Morgan working, his job payroll department, ipm computers enormous
Birth of Internet:
US funded project
In the beginning, used by educators or researchers
Most people couldn’t access it
Tim Bernes-Lee
Made internet accessible to anybody
New computer-programming codes
Internet accessible to mass media
Developed the http, to connect computers all over the place
HTML, common language to design the content
Invented the first browser
Search engines were first: Yahoo
Late 1960s
ARPA net for military and research use
Wanted to make it safe, didn’t like malfunctions
Pretty much by academic researchers
Where E-mail developed in the beginning
Network connecting throughout the US
There is no proceed threat from the cold war
Picture, video, and sounds transmitted
Became common
Wikipedia, Youtube
user creativity
Easy for people to figure out
Old media companies
ISP, internet service providers
Faster, more reliable, pay for it
Big server owner companies
$30 billion to pay
Advertising: pop-up
Ordering things online
Advertising, different: Old media, measure success of advertisement by how much sale it would have
Experiencing, can see the percentage of people clicking on it, focused on users
Nobody clicking, replace it
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Smartphones becoming more common