The changing news habits and attitudes of younger audiences

Class Prep


2019 Findings:
Significant differences in news consumption habits between younger and older people
Younger individuals showed a stronger preference for digital and social media for their news and exhibited less loyalty and connection to traditional news brands
Three Years Later:
A backdrop of increasing distrust in news Focus shifts to examining how the news habits and attitudes of young people have evolved against a backdrop of increasing distrust in news, greater public engagement with social issues like climate change and social justice, and the rise of newer social media platforms such as TikTok and Telegram

Professor notes


-So many source of news, and it is hard to know how we can trust this?
-Younger people more worried about social justice issues


-native: like a native speaker
-Time you are born, tend to be called social natives, because we grew up in that environment
-Emphasized social natives, digital natives ~
-Publishers want to reach all kinds of people
Media is big businees
-People who run the businesses are old, and they are not digital natives, try to learn how to reach them

Paragraph3(The role of social media in young people’s news behaviors)

-Social networks are replacing digital news about 39%
-34% prefer to go direct to a news website or an app
-aggregator sites(Google, Naver..) are sites where they contain news information from different kinds of news aggregated to one site

Paragraph4(The role of social media in young people’s news behaviors)

Proportion of 18–24s who say each is their main source of news

Covid went on going down, pretty steady over the last eight years


-Tiktok, Telegram, Facebook, Youtube


Networks as sources of news
-Graph Analysis
Facebook dying down
Instagram steady
What’s App steady


-Some older people are also interested to
-Still more loyal to Facebook
They are used to it, don’t want to change
-Visual media stuff
-More popular than television


-Generalizing, other sources, we can search for things you want
-News geared towards individuals


Qualitative Research: Interview People
=> They tell story, there’s a narrative there
-Many people read news
-AUdio-based format: Radio, stream radio in the internet
-Reading the news not down, 58%
Reading, we can see more context
-Podcasts sometimes good, if they are know what they are talking about
=> Can do other things


-Under 35s, least trust News
Bombarded with information, don’t know what to trust
-Nearly half of those don’t trust the news
Already know the news, and I trust them
-35 and older
Little bit less
-2017~2022 more and more people are avoiding news


Have negative effect
Why? all problems are news worthy
Some people tired of watching news related to Covid-19
=> Lucky Korea, restictions existed, but you can still go out
Main Points
-2/3 avoid news, because news put them in a bad mood
-People don’t trust the news. News are biased
-Don’t know
-Even if you trust them sometimes, sometimes you don’t like it as well
Losing sleep for news


Not all news, but especially politics
Does this news organizations have bias? Sometimes they do
Know that some radio stations have their political sides
Frustrating can’t do anything
ex: Can’t do anything about it


-YOung people different attitudes how news attitued
-Old, want news neutral. Don’t want to bias
=>Prof: News sometimes need to stand


Sports news, Entertainment news, Cultural news, and Scientific news
People under 35, interested more in the news
Younger people, less likely to be intersted
Graph Analysis
-Under-35s, tend to entertainment & Education
-Food, fashion ..
-35 and Older
Science and Technology (Some people working)
Sports news
Business financial and economic news

Paragraph13: Proportion who say each is why they keep up with the news

-Younger want news as entertainment
-Less entertained to by a senseo f duty to stay informed, to make smart decisions


Duty to keep myself informed about the news

Paragraph15: Younger people casual attitude towards news

=> Don’t consult the same source, more open to new sources


Younger less trusted, news coming from different sources


More interested in news like celebrities

Words & Phrases

Clear, sharp, or pronounced
Example: Finding stark differences in news consumption and behaviours among younger people
Strong contrast or significant differences in the way younger people consume news compared to older groups
Feel a sense of connection or alignment with
Example: A greater reliance on digital and social media and a weaker identification with and loyalty to news
How strongly individuals associate themselves with, trust, or prioritize news from certain publishers, networks, or news sources
During or in the middle of a particular situation or set of circumstances
Example: Attitudes have changed amid rising concerns about news distrust and avoidance
Situation or environment in which something takes place
Example: How the news habits and attitudes of young people have evolved against a backdrop of increasing distrust in news, greater public engagement with social issues like climate change and social justice, and the rise of newer social media platforms such as TikTok and Telegram
The broader circumstances or setting against which specific events or developments, such as the evolution of young people’s news habits and attitudes, are observed
