The Evolution of the English Language



English language is a result of the invasions of the island of Britain over hundreds of years
Invaders lived along the northern coast of Europe

Old English

:First invaders
-Invaded 1500 years ago
-Were a Germanic tribe who crossed the English Channel
Saxon & Jutes
:Two more groups that crossed Britain later on
-Found Celts, a group that lived Britain for many thousands of years and fought with them
=>Most of the Celts were killed or made slaves
Old English
-Anglo-Saxon or Old English:
Mix of different languages of Saxons, Angles and Jutes language
-Extremely difficult to understand, only a few experts can read this
-Several written works have survived from the Old English Period
:The most famous written work of Old English written work
Oldest known English poem
Written in Britain more than one thousand years ago
Name of the person who wrote is not known
Story of a great king, well-liked by people who fought against monsters


:The next great invasion of Britain
-Came from the far North, like Denmark, Norway, and other Northen countries
-Invasion happened about 1100 years ago
-Fierece people who raided the coastal areas of Britain


Norman Conquest
-Invasion took place in 1066, more than 900 years ago
-Led by William the Conqueror
French-speaking people from Normandy in the North of France
Became new rulers of Britain
New rulers spoke only French for several hundred years
Common people of Britian still spoke Old English
-Relationship between French and Britain
-French was the most important language at that time and was the language that educated people
-Old English took many words from Norman French
ex.damage, prison, and marriage
Most English words describing law and government come from Norman French
ex. jury, parliament, and justice

Middle English

-English became Middle English
French language used by Norman rulers changed the way English was spoken by 800 years ago
-Normans no longer spoke true French
The language became a mix of French and Middle English
-Middle English sounds similar to modern English, but is very difficult to understand
-Many written works from the Middle English period survived
-Geoffrey Chaucer
-A poet who wrote the most famous written work
-Lived in London and died there in 1400
-Canterbury Tales
The most famous work of Chaucer
Written in the late 1300s
Extensive collections of poems about various people from all walks of life who were traveling on a religious pilgrimage(Journey to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion) to the town of Canterbury in England
People described in the poem are very real
Some seen as wise and brave and others seen as stupid and foolish. Some believing themselves important, being nice, and others being mean

Professor Notes

English evolved rapidly
-Lots of people invaded
-Most people could not read or write
Most speaking and listening
Group of people or tribes came from Germany
-English Channel
Seperate English and France
Already lived came from Spain and France Killed or made slaves
Fled: Went west, or to Ireland
-Anglo-Saxon or Old English
Mix of different languages
-Old English
Difficult to understand
Most famous was Bewulf
Mostly settled most of England and a little bit of Scotland
The Celts
How they looked. Leather shoes
Dolmen, religious meaning

Have Germanic roots
Old English, vowel sounds changed
What kinds of words survived
Archaic words died

400 yeas later the Anglo Saxon came from modern area
Vikings good at building ships
Came to raid Britain and Ireland
Steal everything
Vikings set settlements
Went to England and the north sea coast of Scotland, Ireland
Norman Conquest
Most important invasion
1066 important
NOrthen coast of French, NOrmandi
Spoke older version of Frech
Spke French for several hundred years
Ruling class of England
French English
Middle English hard to understand, but easier to undrestand

Most people written in Latin, but poem written in Middle Englsih was meaningful Mbr/> Great… learn stories told
Laborer, Carpentor…
What life was like back then
Different characters walkng lifes
Entertaining, (wise, brave, stupid, foolish, arrogant)
First important wrter to use Middle English
Boobonic plague was going on > SHip came from Italy > rat disease> Spred Europe
Half of population Europe
Chaucer alive
Pilgrimage: Saint, catholic, religious, going to Canterbury
Few people having education bablic,, need to learn latin
Before had to write everything by hand

Have rhume
WHat I like to tell about in this play
Rhyme, significant
Modern English

Colony, mixed up and picked up words
Absorbed to english

hunt germanic