Create S3

Create two S3 buckets

(1)S3 Bucket name: inferencefilecsv1 (Same as the old inferencefilecsv)
The S3 bucket, named ‘inferencefilecsv’, is designated for storing ‘inputfile.csv’, which contains critical data for inferencing within our internal AI model focused on sloshing prediction
This repository acts as a pivotal point in our workflow, feeding the AI model with the necessary information to perform its predictive analysis.
Click on ‘버킷 만들기’
Name the bucket, which should be unique, not only to me, but across all users
There’s a region a bucket needs to exist in, ap-northeast-2
S3 live within only one region, but because it is a global service, you can see all the buckets in one view
Click on the recommended settings, ACL 비활성화
Left the Bucket version management disabled by default
Another security setting, asking whether to to block public access, since I want to access the S3 by my exe file, I just freed all public access
I didn’t have any important files after all
I had to check to the warning that my object might go public
For Default Encryption, left the default settings > Click on ‘버킷 만들기’
inferencefilecsv1 bucket created
Download objects(inputfile.csv) previously existed in the bucket inferencefilecsv
Click on 업로드 to upload the files downloaded from the old bucket
Click on 업로드 after adding the inputfile.csv file
Ensured I am uploading the file to the correct S3 named inferencefilecsv1
Upload Succeeded
Press 닫기
inputfile.csv uploaded as an object of the inferencefilecsv1 bucket
(2)S3 Bucket name: inferenceresultbucket1(Same as the old inferenceresultbucket)
The S3 bucket, named ‘inferenceresultbucket’, serves as the storage location for the output results generated by the Lambda function. These results encompass the sloshing predictions derived from processing ‘inputfile.csv’ through our specialized AI model dedicated to sloshing prediction. This bucket is a crucial component in our data processing chain, capturing and preserving the insights produced by our predictive analytics.
Wanted to copy the configurations made in the inferencefilecsv1 bucket, so I selected the inferencefilecsv1 bucket in the 기존 버킷에서 설정 복사 category
Download objects(result.csv & result2.csv) previously existed in the bucket inferenceresultbucket
Click on 업로드 to upload the files downloaded from the old bucket (Adding the result.csv & result2.csv file)
Upload Succeeded
Press 닫기
result.csv & result2.csv uploaded as an object of the inferencefilecsv1 bucket