Concept/Definition/Types of Mobility Service

Week1 Review

Use of Ros2, Turtlebot

Autonomous Driving

“Self”+”Driving” is difficult part
Basic Structure
1.Sensing, 2.Planning, 3.Actuation
Nvidia Localization, Path planning
Why matter?
Control the driving based on the decision made by the group of information from the vehicle
Collect info => Make the giant device drive, not easy
South Korea?
Hyundai and KIA’s models are pretty much stocked up with advanced features and will prove to be a great competitor for Tesla
Real Experience
Car, drive, experiences..

-Please ride 42dot car/shuttle on your own and write/submit the report
-42dot free for the first time
Please submit a report with your experience and phtoto within two weeks
-Encourage to write in the perspectives of technical advancement, HMI and riding
Ex. Not there yet???

Definition of Mobility and Service

Definition of Mobility
Move, mobile.. keyword
1)Move Easily and Quickly
2)Transport physically and freely
Multiple options (Bus, subway, ..)

Definition of Service
1)Provide certain form of task or action
2)Can be Non-existent form Come from serve
YOu can deal with..
All dictionaries.. different intepretation, provide a certian form, but doesn’t have to be a physical material
Mobility as a service
=> We use mobility as a service = Strengthening accessibility and Convenience of Mobility
Ex.Combination of bus, subway.. also a mobility service


Beginning of MAAS
Time goes by, term used as mobility as service 2014
Transportation as Service

Progress of Maas
-Maas pilots with advanced integration
Build set up structure, set up own business
Make profit into businees prospectives
Maas pilots with advanced integration and mobility packages
Also use small state of vehicles

Current Status of Maas
-MaaS Industry size
Connectivity & IOT
Each device as a thing..
Electric kickboard, engine bicycles.. key crucial things

Basic model of Mobility Service
Key elements of Mobility Service
=> User, Service Provider, Service Integration
Need them for integration
-User can be independent
User get to Service integration, so are in ain intertwined relationship

Basic Structure
-Micrombility(Small/Sharing/Driver) < Vehicle < Non-Device(Platform Integration)
Offer service for person or human!
-MaaS Structure Example: Micromobility
ex. DOwnload => Scan on Qr code => User identification => Get to destination QR code again => NOtification arrive => Payment => Service done
-External Id/Server: login service
-MaaS Structure Example: Vehicle
Install app -> Car open up and ride -> Sit there wait until the vehicle destination you pointing out -> Payment automatically done
Serivice Provider: Have lots to do
Recent vehicle, key feature charger part of functionality… one shot service
-MaaS Structure Example
Get there -> Park => Service provider make sure car is there =>
Get both info, charging things.. seamless offer services

Details from the Basic structure
All managed under document…
All these structures managed and specified