Main Components of Metaverse

Recap of Metaverse
Do not want to deal with high data rate, wnat to deal with a lower data rate and try increase user experience
Device Level
Visual interface

Step-by-Step Metaverse

Basic Diagram of System
Input <-> System <-> Output
Bidirectional Relationship
Output can go to input, and input can go to output
Input cases can be a physical format of the human
With generalization, output can be three types
→ 1) Within the platform, 2) Users, 3) Objects
1) Within the platform
2) Users

More Details. More Interfaces

Starting point of the interaction
User interacts with the system through various devices
The hardware or peripherals the user employs to interact with the system
Divided into four types of inputs
Audio: Sound inputs, possibly referring to voice commands or audio signals
Visual: Visual inputs, like a camera feed or screen display
Haptic: Touch or vibration-based inputs, such as a touchscreen or a controller with feedback
Gesture: Motion inputs, like hand or body movemen
The means through which the user’s inputs are translated into a form that the system can process. There is an interface between the user and the system (not explicitly labeled), and another within the system itself
The double-headed arrows indicate a two-way connection, suggesting that data flows back and forth between the user and the system, as well as between the system and the output
The core processing unit that interprets user input
Within the system, there are:
Individual applications that use the system’s resources
Graphic Module:
A component likely responsible for rendering graphics
Virtual Env. (Virtual Environment):
A digital space where interactions take place, such as a game or simulation
Management Layer:
Operating system or software layer that manages the resources and processes of the system
Result of the system processing the user’s input
The output is shown here as a series of applications (App 1, App 2, etc.) that are presumably being displayed or utilized on a physical object, such as a computer monitor
-User Interfaces & Graphical Interfaces and Environments:
Various interfaces that a user interacts with, including both the user interfaces (UI) that handle the input and output between the user and the system, and the graphical interfaces which deal with the visual representation of the system. The term “Environments” might refer to the overall digital or virtual spaces created by these interfaces
-Mirroring Cases:
Scenarios or case studies where interfaces are designed to mirror or replicate certain conditions or settings
How user actions are mirrored within the system, possibly discussing how input is reflected in the output
-Mirror on the screen
The ability to display the contents of a smartphone’s screen on another display
Whatever you see on your smartphone’s screen is exactly what is shown on the TV or monitor
-Send interaction, send data, flushing in the TV screen
Process where interactions and data from the smartphone are sent to the TV screen
Data is transferred quickly and continuously, resulting in the TV screen updating in real-time with what’s on the smartphone
-Smartphone, mirror YouTube, and seen in monitor
Using the mirroring feature to watch YouTube videos from the smartphone on a larger monitor. Essentially, the video played on the phone is duplicated on the monitor’s display
-Do only one job, phone is controller
While the smartphone’s screen is mirrored to the TV, the phone serves a single purpose - as a controller
This means you might use the phone to play, pause, or select videos, but the actual viewing takes place on the larger screen of the monitor or TV

Not meaning, user experience efficient enough

Basic Diagram of System

With generalization, output can be three types
Create own world, try to access to the world. Whole thing in the platform, and access into the platform
User access to system, interaction will happen
End to end communication
=> Confused that metaverse is social networks
Graphic Module & Virtual Env
Near end to end with physical object, have difficulty handling
Physical Object is like a tv screen
Users flush data, and display images on the display
-Graphic into data
More Details.More Interfaces
Don’t bring every pixel, all the data
Protocol, system, multi-protocol,

Mirror on the screen
Send interaction, send data, flushing in the tv screen
Smartphon, mirror youtube, and seen in monitor
Do only one job, phone is controller

Screen virtual

Layer, 3D available,
Every single one as object
Object oriented programming, C#
Layers in Graphic module => Interact system

Summary of Metaverse Standards

Exit, Screen, Chair, all of them are layers
Buttons are objected, and can be treated as a layer


Sensor: Detect, send data
MP5 Next version of ~
xml few lines of xml architecture

Interfacing cyber and physical world Working Group
NO user
More focus on hardware (sensor and actuator)


User doing own thing apart from the actuator

Interfacing cyber and physical
1~3 working on it
Other working on it or no
WIthing standard, partial and not partial working on it

Some 5G target AR/VR
IEEE2828 Not official standard

Standard vs defecto standard

Users with devices end users

User experience
10 ~100mbps, have to expected to likely to achieve average up to 10mbps
=> 1ow data rate crucial in metaverse

Receive data
indexes, structure data to the devices
Capable of running graphics, data connections

Not low power application

Hwo to make it
How much data processed you might build server
Workspace, highly computational & performed
Phhusical object need to have on eserver
Real problem on operation
Server is highly power consumed
Physical object is large scale
Have only client, connected to the server
http: client & server needed
Burden object
Subscribe, publish communication protocol often considered
Physical Object: Unprocess based on request, command
Considered in advance to design physical objects


Enduser, platform , ..
Provide details
FLow diagrams, operate platform > Need to refer my slides
Use slide information
Programming, working together, protocol (private network)???
Minimized data, what kind of data? Obstacle, monsters?