Create User Account

Create User

I was on the process of migration, so I created the same user with the identicall name and password
Also, I unchecked the configuration of obligation to reset the password

Create Group

Create group for the user
Click on ‘그룹 생성’
Created the group with the name MLPrediction
And the policy name is going to be Administrator Access
Click on ‘사용자 그룹 생성’
New group named MLPrediction created

Add MyUser user to the MLPrediction Group

Click on 그룹에 사용자 추가 > 다음
Click on 사용자 생성
Confirm the Console Password for the user
Click on .csv 파일 다운로드 for future login in case you’ve forgotten your password
Click on 사용자 목록으로 돌아가기 to see the overview

Overview of the process

User successfully created
By clicking on ‘사용자 그룹’, we can identify the MLPrediction group successfully generated
Observe the MLPrediction group, we can easily identify the user MyUser
Identify permissions(권한) for the group MLPrediction
Can see the Administrator access attached to the MLPrediction group
Identify permissions(권한) for the user MyUser
But when seeing the 연결 방식, it is stated ‘그룹 MLPrediction’, meaning the permission was not assigned directly, but inherited from the group MLPrediction

Create Access Keys

To access AWS Services, in VS Code exe, I will create access keys for the user MyUser
Click on Access Key 만들기
Using access keys in a Visual Studio executable to log in and access AWS Lambda and S3 within your workflow – I would likely be working with local code
The option that mentions “로컬 코드” (local code) and provides for accessing the AWS account using application code in a local development environment is the one that seems most aligned with my needs
This choice allows me to integrate AWS services directly into your Visual Studio application, providing the necessary credentials to access AWS Lambda and S3 resources as part of your local development and testing process
Choose the option ‘로컬코드’ > Click on ‘다음’
Skipped the process> 엑세스 키 만들기
Stored the Access key by clicking on ‘.csv 파일 다운로드’ > 완료

Renew IAM credentials in my visual studio exe code


Create New role for the Lambda function csv_sloshingprediction1

I want to create a role that grants the lambda function to access the S3 bucket which has the csv file I want to make inference on, and basically to process the parameters in csv_sloshingprediction1
I aim to establish a role that authorizes the Lambda function csv_sloshingprediction1 to access the S3 bucket containing the CSV file needed for inference
This role will enable the function to process the parameters required for sloshing prediction within csv_sloshingprediction1
Click on the IAM roles sections
Click on AWS 서비스 for the category choose the entity that you trust most
Because this option is designed to grant permissions to an AWS service, like Lambda, to interact with other AWS services
Chose AWS Lambda for 사용 사례, because I am setting up a role for an AWS Lambda function
Click on 다음
Search for awslambda in the search bar > Select the permission AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
Search for S3 again > Select the permission AmazonS3FullAccess > Click on 다음
Named the role S3ReadEventRole
Can see that policies AmazonS3FullAccess and AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole was added to the role
Click on 역할 생성
Can see the ReadEventRole was newly generated