Getting Started With AWS

AWS Cloud Overview - Regions & AZ

AWS Regions

-AWS has Regions all around the world
-Names can be us-east-1, eu-west-3…
-A region is a cluster of data centers
-Most AWS services are region scoped
If we use one service in one region and use it in another region, it will be like a new time of using the service

How to choose an AWS Region?

-Compliance with data governance and legal requirements
:Data never leaves the region without your explicit permission
-Proximity to Customers
:Reduced latency
-Available Services within a Region
New services and new features aren’t available in every Region
Pricing varies region to region and is transparent in the service pricing page

AWS Availability Zones

-Each region has many availability zones (usually 3, min is 3, max is 6)
-Each availability zone(AZ) is one or more discrete data centers with redundant power, networking, and connectivity
-Each availability zone(AZ) is seperate from each other, so that they are isolated from disasters
ex. If something happens to ap-southeast-2a, we know that it is designed not to cascade into ap-southeast-2b, or ap-southeast-2c
-They’re connected with high bandwidth, ultra-low latency networking
Altogether, linked together, they will form a region

AWS Points of Presence (Edge Locations)

-AWS has 400+ Points of Presence(400+ Edge Locations & 10+ Regional Caches) in 90+ cities across 40+ countries
-Content is delivered to end users with lower latency

Tour of the AWS Console

-AWS has Global Services:
IAM, Route53(DNS), CloudFront(Content Delivery Network), WAF(Web Application Firewall)
-Most AWS Services are Region-scoped
Amazon EC2(Infrastructure as Service), Elastic Beanstalk(Platform as Service), Lambda(Function as Service), Rekognition(Software as a Service)

Tour of the AWS Console & Services in AWS

-Regions Selector
Choose the region that will give you low latency
Getting_Started_With_AWS3 -Services by category
-Search bar
Can search for a service and have a look of features, resources, blogs, documentations, knowledge articles, tutorials, and marketplace
-Navigating Route53 Console
The reason the region selector turns to global, is because it does not require a region selection
No matter where you are, you will get the same view
-Navigating EC2 Console
If the console is ran in another region, view will be different in terms of the region seen
So it is important to stay within the same region for the entire duration
-AWS Global Infrastructure
Gives lots of information around your services
-Navigating AWS Regional Services
Give the services list by region
Not all services are in every region
