How to Download Unity

Download Unity Hub

(1)Download Installer from the Website
Access website > Windows용 다운로드
(2)UnityHub Installation
Double click UnityHubSetup.exe > Agree > Installation


Scene view
Main screen composing the game
Arrange the resource and write the game scene
By clicking the tab in the upper side of the view and see the game view
Game View
This view allows for the identification of the viewing direction once the game is implemented
Additionally, it enables the monitoring of game processing speed and identifies points of overload
Hierarchy Screen
This screen displays a list of object names arranged within the view
It also allows for the identification and editing of the hierarchical structure between layers
Project Screen
This screen enables the management of resources utilized in the game
Images or sound files can be easily added as game resources by dragging and dropping them into the interface
Console Screen
This screen alerts you when the program encounters an error, allowing for the identification of issues through arbitrary numbers or strings specific to the program’s context
Inspector Screen
When an object is selected in the scene view, detailed information appears, including the object’s axis, rotation, scale, color, and shape, facilitating precise identification and analysis
Manipulation Tool
This tool permits the adjustment of an object’s axis, rotation, and scale within the Scene view. It also allows for the modification of the screen view’s orientation, enhancing control over how the scene is presented