ROS Tutorials (Linux Only)


Learning Objectives
Learn how to
Add additional cameras to the scene and onto the robot
Add camera publishers
Send ground truth synthetic perception data through rostopics

Camera Publisher

Setting up Cameras
Default camera displayed in the Viewport is the Perspective camera
(Can verify that by the Camera button on the top left hand corner inside the Viewport display)
Click on the Camera button and you will see there are a few other preset camera positions: Top, Front, and Right side views
Purpose of this tutorial:
Let’s add two stationary cameras, naming them Camera_1 and Camera_2
Viewing the room from two different perspectives
-Procedures for adding cameras to the stage can be found in Add Camera and Sensors
-May want to open additional Viewports to see multiple camera views at the same time
To open additional Viewports:
Window -> Viewport -> Viewport 2 to open the viewport, and select the desired camera view from the Cameras button on the upper left corner in the viewport
Building the Graph for a RGB publisher
(1)Open Visual Scripting:

Window > Visual Scripting > Action Graph
(2)Edit Action Graph
Click on the New Action Graph Icon in middle of the Action Graph Window
Edit Action Graph if you want to append the camera publisher to an existing action graph
(3)Build an Action Graph with the nodes and connection of the following image, and parameters using the table below
Action Graph
| Node | Input Field | Value | |————————|————-|—————–| | Isaac Create Render Product | cameraPrim | /World/Camera_1 | | | enabled | True | | ROS1 Camera Helper | type | rgb | | | topicName | rgb | | | frameId | turtle |
Ticking this graph will automatically create a new render product assigned to Camera_1
Graph Explained
Isaac Create Render Product:
Creating a render product prim which acquires the rendered data from the given camera prim and outputs the path to the render product prim
Rendering can be enabled/disabled on command by checking/unchecking the enabled field
ROS1 Camera Helper:
Indicating which type of data to publish, and which ros topic to publish it on
