An English Village Hollowed Out for a Train That May Never Come

Overview: Victorian Britain, 1837 - 1901

British government gaining strength
Industrial Revolution happening >br/> Paragraph1:
Queen victoria longest monarch until Queen Elizabeth the 2nd
Colonial wars, and army had to suppress insurrection
City of London, became the financial center
Economy of London gained strength during the industrial revolution
Example: Liverpool
Three Graces, Mersey Docks, Harbour were planned during the period
Riverpool port city, many museums
Immigration happened a lot (A lot from Ireland)
Resist to Colonial war
FOr example, South Africa in 1879
The Three Graces
Nice place to walk around

The Industrial Revolution

New markets, more money, middle and upper classes getting wealthier
Being poor, persisted being poor
Britian before was agricultural, but chaotic changes happened
Growth not orderly
Housing conditions were poor
Poor housing conditions, long working hours, the ravages of infectious diseasde and premature death were the consequences
child labor
Charles Dickens, lots of stories based on it (Christmas Carol)
Lots of rain, damp conditions, not heated well so premature death happen
Gap between the wealthy and working class became wider
Infant mortaility was high
Disease and 20% OF Child made it
Damp housing conditions, collera, drinking water from bacteria
Average life expectancy, 48 young

Civic engagement

More spending in town halls, civic buildings, libraries, wash-houses and swimming baths
More money coming from Christian charities
Trend among social class, donate something


Different situation
Ireland wasn’t industrialized
whole rest of Ireland stayed poor
Whole population of England, including Ireland, 1/3 of the UK
Population growth
England Wales more than doubled population, but Ireland lost half of the population
Every decade lost people
Except Belfast
Rest of Ireland, not experience, British gov liked it to stay that way, wanted to make food
1845~1847 disease in the crop, can’t grow potatoes
Had to pay rent
Depended for the potato crop for money and food
Famine was genesized, not bad luck
Other food sources, but British government exported out of Ireland to Britain
Government knew, but most of the politions said that if they give assistance, and they will have dependence
Neglect and theft killed Irish people
Lots of immigration, oldest sibling stay behind, younger went abroad to Britain
Faced discrimination
Blamed British governement for the famine
Act of famine benefited Britian not Ireland
A hundred years before, Scotland independent with Britian and Wales
Ireland was exploited and controlled while Scotland benefited
Easter Risen, home rule campaign debates were going on
Ireland was seen as a problem, ‘The Irish Question’
Ireland lost home rule when the Parliament happened
Victorian Townhouses
Children in Victorian London
Lots of them poor
The Great Hunger in Ireland
Devastating, Cathlic Church had enough to eat, but they abandon Ireland
William Gladstone
Prime minister for quite a time


Was Democratic though
Most people couldn’t vote
20% adult voted, because they had to have property
1884 two thirds
No women could legally vote
Queen Victoria not in favor of them
Britian is removed from rest of Europe
UK was the leading, Germany and US surpassed
Germany used economic capacity it in militarization
WW1 happened after Victoria died


hollowed out
Process of removing the core or the most significant parts
Likely refers to the process of removing the core or the most significant parts of the village, possibly including its residents, homes, and businesses