2 minute read

British had a lot of Coal and Iron deposits
1500s, Britain was poor and gradually began to gain more health
There was more food and stable, and increase in the population
1700s, there were waves of pandemics and that stopped
Population grows, more markets for products
Had enough workers
Economy stable, more wealth, people invest money
Have savings and disposable incomes, can invest in a new enterprise
There were more overseas market that developed
Geological advantages, being an island
Had a strong navy, and hard to attack in the first place
More stability and peace
Acquiring colonies around the world, and there were more imports and exports
Government was secular, freedom of speech
Scientists dedicate more time to new technologies
## Paragraph5
Main iron, coal, and waterways
Waterways used for transportation (people and products)
Bermingen & Manchester, scotland had many resources
Iron and coal go together
Coal power steam engine, and coal is also transported by the train
Britain has a lot of rivers
Transportation of goods
Blue lines: tidal rivers
London temson river
Red lines: canals
agricultural production
Population grows, have more workers
Money can be invested, bank have more deposits

Iron used to forge steel
Train, Used in industry
Coal still used a lot today
Heat winter
Power engine
Steam engine tech in trains and ships
Fortunately Britain had lots of iron and coal
Britain didn’t have to import iron and coal
No shortage of materials
Soft Wales, having lots of coal
New farming techniques developed
Political stability
Britian had civil war, launched a lot of campagins, was about power
King Charles executed
Revolution was over 17th century
Power of monarchy reduced, King George3, rebellion, and war for independence, he didn’t end up well for losing the American colonies
Power of King diminished, freedom of thought
Poor working class, probably end up in that way in life
Worked hard, save money, you can make your way out of poverty
Somewhat more possible to succeed with life
Number of inventions and developments by scientists
Britain was not the only place
Result of revolution, people having more opportunities
Increased demand for industrial products
Investment in canals, railroads developed
Early 1930s, 75% of the coal, half cotton and iron goods were far in a way a leader
London mid-1800s
London was named big smoke
Tems river, dead river
