The British Empire

What is ‘the Biritsh Empire’

France, didn’t establish permanent towns
British did have missionaries, but their main focus was main
England was first an agricultural, poor country, but in the 1400s, became economically Sencond:
Second was more focused on Asia and Africa
Late 29th century, the most powerful
A quarter of the colonies was under British control
Results: They colonized, and now Americans are speakin English
(Ireland was a neighboring country, they were part of the UK)
East of the US was no longer part of the British Empire

Why did they colonize?

It was mostly a trade empire
People wanted to make money
Build ships and sailed around the world seeking to make profits
Industrial revolution accelerated the process
Take resources, and going to profit from resources
Sole markets, everything stayed within the system
Colonization expanded
Why successful?
Late 1600s, British navy was the strongest
Commanders of the sea, that was the main method of international transportation
Can have more control everything
British system, were good at international trade, and rules are flexible
Example: Spain
Military Conquest, ruthless
Their rule not flexible
Conquer, subdicate native population, end of discussion
American revolution, learned and certainly get burned.. American colonies complained a lot.
Leaders, descenders, people in America complain, Parliment ignored,, and revolution and lost colonies, maybe they learned from it

The First Empire

chartered companies
Multi-natural enterprises
They have charter, to work as an organization
Contract given by the king or queen
Have exclusive right to do business in a certain area
Expand business
Administrative centers to manage the trade
How manage?
England was conquered by foreign powers
Britiain had a centralized authorithy and all other areas weren’t unified group of people to organize and resist
Example: INdia
SO many languages and sub-cultures within the continent
They didn’t have concept of one country
British went to India, and Hudson Bay, they were able to take control
India had so many natural resources, and was established by Queen Elizabeth was first
In the area of the West India
Sugar and tobacco.. good resources
Difference between North AMerica and India… North America was where it was settler based countries
To set up the plantations, the soil was good to grow crops
They will take large area of land, and put in under an owner
1600s, slave trade began
West Indies are small islands,, non-collective
West INdians, in exchange, slave was given to use for plantation
French and Indian war
Signed a lot of land to Britain
Mission Churches
Guy led the movement to convert the native people from chuches
Napolenic Wars
X Names of colonies
Have a war, win, gain more land
Early in the 19th century
In the early 1800s, strict rules banned
Right after the American Revolution
Other colonies… maybe we can try it too?
200 years of slavery
British parliment.. abolish slave trade
(Not end of slavery)
First step
Outlaw slavery from the british empire
(Not profitable.. Industrial Revolution coming on the way)
Lots of Nationalism..
Liberate from the British
Give self- autonomy and self government
Example: Canada
If want to retain the colonies, need to give more self-government
King overrule these decisions
Give them more self-government, going to happen again
Full self-government to AUstralia and New Zealand
White Europeans were rulling Mbr/> East India company powerful..
Indians will not be cooperative
Develop crown colony systme
British governeor carge of this area, councils of native people advising what to do
Governor don’t have to listen, but keep ignoring,, have problem
1860s, control over Nigeria, having natural resources
South Africa, gain control
(Something relevant today from the past)
Lots of people suffered
Europeans brought diseases
-People moving
-Bigggest: English language spread along the nation