Professor Notes

Laurie Lee, a poet, insprired from the natural beauty
Winning tip: Laurie Lee’s Gloucestershire
Walk five miles
primrose-bounded paths, skylark-serenaded pasture and slope-clinging beech trees
South Devon’s hidden coastal treasures
South England cliffs along the coast
South Devan start from car park(parking lot)
mermaids’ purses
Famous dog, heroic doggy deed to help a hermit
Burgh Island and its art deco hotel
Dancing with daffodils in Derwentwater
North of Englad
Lake District
Beautiful flower ( Lent lilies, wild garlic and beautiful bluebells) smels nice
Sizergh Castle
Tower Hamlets in full bloom
London Cemetry near tower hamlet
Porpoises and yellowhammers in Northumberland
Jolly Fisherman: Beer
Place is on the sea
Lots of birds: Eider
Wild plants and flowers
Porpoises like dolphines
Under a big Suffolk sky
Holy Trinity Church
cathedral of the marches: Famous church
Eight miles
Old publs, good seafood
Kissing gates and pink petals in the Yorkshire Wolds
Nice flowers, village of welton, and mallards
kssing gates
Take the bus to a West Country paradise
Southwest England near Wales
Significnace of stones in Stranton Drew
Give directions
Huge & high up
Marshes and migrations in the Cairngorms
Nature reserve
floodplain:Flat land next to a river
Flood can happen
5km walk, go through woods, fields and can even see fields
An edgy family hike in Snowdonia
Precipice Walk, an edge of a cliff
Llyn Cynwch Welsh word

Assignment: Research

Seen nice areas in England and Wales
Area of outstanding natural beauty: KInd of Unesco in UK
Search for one or two of these areas of natural beauty
Choose one or two and tell me about it
Not copied from the internet
Find one or two anywhere in the UK(Northern Ireland, Scotland Whales, and England..),area of outstanding natural beauty, briefly where it is, what do you see there, and main point is what is it about the place that appeals to you


:Walking in a leisurely, relaxed manner
A type of tree known for its trembling leaves which flutter in even the slightest breeze
A glade is a clearing within a forest
It’s an open, often grassy space surrounded by woods or dense foliage
Individuals who offer advice or recommendations
These are people who are sharing their personal recommendations for spring walks or hikes based on their experiences
An introductory section of a work of literature
It might provide background information, set the scene for the story that follows, or otherwise introduce themes, characters, or the setting
Describing something as one of the “great prologues of literature” suggests it’s widely recognized for its quality, importance, or effectiveness in setting up the narrative
The slow passage of a liquid through a porous material or the gradual emergence of liquid through small openings
In a literal sense, it might describe water or moisture moving slowly through the ground or emerging at the surface, often creating wet, marshy, or boggy conditions
In the context of literature, describing a bank as “seeping” suggests a very vivid, damp, and possibly fertile setting, which could be symbolic or significant within the narratives of these works
The side of a river or stream, often sloped and sometimes covered in vegetation
The term “seeping” suggests that this particular bank is wet, possibly due to water seeping out of the ground or from the nearby water body itself, making the soil moist or marshy
where the infant was dropped from a cart
An anecdote from this book, symbolically marking a location associated with his early life
As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning
Second book in Lee’s autobiographical series, detailing his departure from his home village as an adolescent to embark on a journey that eventually leads him to Spain
The phrase “where the adolescent loped off to Spain” indicates that the walk also starts from a location associated with this departure, marking a transition point in Lee’s life and literary narrative
circular Laurie Lee walk
Landmarks and landscapes that were significant to Laurie Lee’s life and works, offering participants a way to physically engage with the settings of his stories
loped off
A casual or leisurely departure, with a sense of purpose
To “lope” means to move or run with a long, bounding stride, often suggesting an easy, relaxed pace rather than a hurried or frantic one
So, when it’s said that the adolescent “loped off to Spain,” it suggests that Laurie Lee embarked on his journey to Spain with a sense of adventure and perhaps a carefree attitude, moving away from his familiar surroundings in pursuit of new experiences
Enclosed or edged
When it mentions “primrose-bounded paths,” it’s describing walking paths that are edged or lined with primroses, creating a visual and possibly aromatic border that enhances the scenic beauty of the walk
To be entertained or soothed with music
“Skylark-serenaded pasture” thus describes a pasture (a field where grass is grown for animals to graze) where one can hear the singing of skylarks
It’s a poetic way of saying that the natural sounds of skylarks singing embellish the experience of being in the pasture, making it more enjoyable and atmospheric
A field of grass where animals graze
In the wider context of a scenic walk, a pasture represents an open, tranquil space, often contributing to the pastoral beauty of the landscape
Here, “clinging” is used to describe the manner in which beech trees are growing on a slope
“Slope-clinging beech trees” suggests that the beech trees are growing on the sides of a slope, perhaps in a way that seems they are holding on or adapting to the inclined surface
A long, leisurely walk in the countryside, often without a specific route or destination in mind
It implies wandering through natural settings for pleasure and exploration
However, in this context, “The ramble” likely refers to a specific walking route or path designed for people to enjoy the scenery and possibly other features, such as wildlife or historical sites
In writing, “punctuated” is used to describe something interrupted or emphasized at intervals
When referring to a walk or ramble, “punctuated” means that the journey is marked by distinct points or features at regular intervals
These points break up the walk, adding interest or variety to the experience
To inscribe something means to write, carve, or etch words onto a surface
In this sentence, “posts inscribed with poetry” means that there are posts along the ramble that have poetry written on them
The poetry is permanently part of these posts, allowing walkers to read and enjoy the verses as they pass by
Physical markers or signposts placed along the ramble or walking path
These are likely upright structures made of wood, metal, or another durable material, designed to stand out to walkers
The posts serve a specific purpose here: they are “inscribed with poetry by the valley’s most celebrated son,” meaning that each post carries verses or lines of poetry written on it
Anything relating to or located along the coast, which is the area where the land meets the sea
This phrase highlights the specific geographical features, attractions, or areas of natural beauty that are found along the coastline of South Devon, a region in the southwest of England known for its stunning and diverse coastline
Bodies of water that connect two larger bodies of water or that constitute a route through which water travels
In a coastal context, mentioning a beach that “faces the channel” likely refers to a beach overlooking a narrow stretch of water between two land masses or within a larger body of water
This channel could be a natural part of the coastline, offering unique scenic views or influencing the types of marine life and debris that are washed ashore
Mermaids’ purses:
A colloquial term for the egg cases of certain species of sharks, skates, and rays
These egg cases are often leathery and rectangular with pointy horns or tendrils at the corners, which can help them attach to underwater objects
After the young sea creature has hatched and left the case, these egg cases sometimes wash up on beaches
They are considered “treasures” because they are interesting natural objects that provide insight into the marine life off the coast
Finding a mermaid’s purse on a beach can be an exciting discovery, indicating the presence of these marine species in the nearby waters
Bringing to mind or commemorating something from the past
It implies that there is a memory or tribute associated with the location, specifically related to an action or event that is remembered and honored
The presence of a dog bowl serves as a physical reminder or marker of this past event
Actions that are courageous, brave, or showing great valor, especially when done to help others
When referring to a “heroic doggy deed,” it suggests that a dog performed an act of bravery or significant assistance, likely in a situation that involved risk or displayed remarkable loyalty or intelligence
An action or task, often implying that the action was noteworthy, significant, or commendable
The use of “doggy deed” indicates the action was performed by a dog, and given the adjective “heroic,” it was an action of great merit or courage
Someone who lives in solitude, often for religious or philosophical reasons, typically away from the society in a secluded place
In this narrative, the hermit is the beneficiary of the dog’s heroic deed, suggesting that the dog helped the hermit in some significant way, possibly providing company, protection, or assistance in a time of need
Flowers of the genus Narcissus, which are known for their bright yellow blossoms and are often associated with the arrival of spring
Someone who enjoys observing birds in their natural habitat as a hobby or recreational activity
Birdwatchers often have knowledge about local wildlife, including birds’ locations, behaviors, and migration patterns
They are typically keen observers of nature and may frequent less-known or secluded areas to spot birds
made my day
To greatly improve one’s mood or to bring someone a significant amount of joy or happiness
tucked away
Situated in a hidden or secluded spot, not easily found or frequented by the general public or tourists
It implies that the woods above Brigsteer are somewhat concealed or nestled in a location that offers privacy and is removed from the usual paths or areas that attract tourists
Enjoyment or gratification derived from the senses
The stroll is described as “sensual” because it engages and delights the senses, particularly through the visual beauty of the flowers and the scents carried by the breeze
It emphasizes a deep appreciation for the natural world’s textures, colors, and aromas
Abundance or a large quantity of something
Here, it is used to describe the overwhelming presence of natural perfumes in the air, emanating from the Lent lilies, wild garlic, bluebells, and possibly other sources of fragrance
This abundance contributes to the sensory richness of the stroll
To send out or spread something, such as light, scent, or influence
The natural perfumes are said to “cast their spell into the spring breeze,” suggesting that the fragrances are dispersed by the wind, enveloping the area and bewitching or enchanting those who walk through it
The use of “cast their spell” adds a magical quality to the experience, implying that the combination of scents and the ambiance has a captivating or mesmerizing effect on the senses
In the context provided, “cemeteries” refers to burial grounds or places where the dead are buried
The term “The Magnificent Seven” is a specific reference to seven large, historic cemeteries in London that were established in the 19th century during the Victorian era
Cultural, historical, and natural legacy that has been passed down through generations
It encompasses traditions, monuments, objects, and landscapes that hold historical significance and contribute to a community’s identity and sense of belonging
Groups or bunches of plants growing closely together in a dense, compact formation
This term is often used to describe how certain plants, like bluebells, cowslips, primroses, cow parsley, wild garlic, and others, naturally grow in the wild or in garden settings
Clumps of plants create concentrated areas of color and texture, contributing to the visual appeal of a natural landscape or garden
Small, toothed whales that are part of the family Phocoenidae
Porpoises are marine mammals closely related to dolphins and whales, known for their compact, robust bodies and a preference for coastal waters, although some species inhabit deeper oceanic environment
On tap:
Originally refers to beverages, especially beer, served directly from a keg rather than from a bottle or can
It suggests that the beer is fresh and possibly locally brewed
Here, “local beer and seafood on tap” implies that the area offers a selection of fresh, local beer alongside seafood, indicating a focus on local produce and culinary offerings
Appealing or attractive in a way that draws you in or tempts you
In this context, the “enticing tang of the region’s last smokehouse” suggests that the aroma or flavor emanating from the smokehouse is very appealing, making it a significant draw for visitors or locals alike
It speaks to the unique culinary experiences the region offers, particularly in terms of smoked foods
A strong, sharp taste or flavor, particularly one that is slightly tart or piquant
The “enticing tang” would be the distinctive, appealing taste or smell produced by the smokehouse, likely related to smoked fish or meats, which are traditional products of such establishments
This suggests that the smokehouse’s products have a notable and appealing flavor that captures the essence of the region’s culinary heritage
Beat the view:
Unbeatable or unsurpassed
The phrase “not a beer garden anywhere that will beat the view” is a way of saying that the views from the beer gardens in this region are unbeatable or unsurpassed
It implies that the scenic beauty visible from these outdoor drinking and dining areas is exceptional, making them unparalleled locations for enjoying a meal or a drink. This statement highlights the natural or architectural beauty of the area, suggesting that it enhances the overall experience of visiting or dining in the beer gardens
A type of sea duck known for its down feathers, which are highly prized for insulation
The “crews of eider” phrase suggests groups or flocks of these ducks gathering together, which is common behavior in their breeding areas
Being covered or adorned in a way that is elegant or showy
Impressive and often elaborate attire
A confident or flamboyant walk, often associated with displaying dominance or attractiveness
In the context of eider ducks, it refers to their movements and behaviors aimed at drawing attention to themselves and impressing potential mates
It’s a part of their mating rituals and displays
Actions taken by an individual to attract a mate, which can include vocalizations, displays, or other behaviors meant to appeal to potential partners
