Black leader’s ascension as Wales first minister marks milestone for U.K.


The rise or climb of to a higher rank or position
Rise or climb of the Black leader to a higher rank or position, specifically becoming the First Minister of Wales <br/ milestone
A significant event, achievement, or marker in history
It is used to denote the importance of having a Black leader become the First Minister of Wales for the first time
Struggling or dealing with something challenging
When it’s said that a country is “grappling with racism,” it means the country is actively trying to confront and address the issues and challenges related to racism
noticeable, remarkable, or drawing attention
A “striking moment” refers to an event or occurrence that is significant enough to stand out and capture attention, often because it contrasts with what is typical or expected
Something inherited from the past, such as traditions, problems, or historical actions, that continues to affect the present
The “legacy of empire” alludes to the long-lasting effects of colonialism and imperialism, including social, economic, and political issues, that former colonial powers and their former colonies are still dealing with today
This can include racism, economic disparities, and cultural conflicts stemming from the history of empire and colonial rule
The background, culture, ancestry, or lineage that an individual has inherited from their forebears
When it is said that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak “has Indian heritage,” it means that his familial or ancestral roots trace back to India
A form of government or administrative structure that possesses a degree of self-governance or independence within a larger political or administrative framework
It suggests that the government in question, led by Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf, operates with certain powers and authorities to manage its own affairs and make decisions on a range of issues, but under the broader sovereignty and legal framework of a larger entity, in this case, the United Kingdom
marked a moment
To symbolize or signify a significant point in time or event
A notable or historic occasion that is recognized as important or meaningful in the broader narrative or journey of a group, in this case, the nation
Vaughan Gething’s election as the first Black leader of the governing Welsh Labor Party is seen as a pivotal event that signifies a change or progression in the collective history of Wales
A group of the most senior appointed officials of the executive branch in a government, typically composed of the top leaders who head major government departments and agencies
These officials are usually referred to as “ministers” in many parliamentary systems, such as that of the United Kingdom
The Cabinet is responsible for making high-level policy decisions and advising the head of government (such as a prime minister)
A political ideology or position that is right of the political center but not far-right
Center-right parties typically advocate for free market policies, limited government intervention in the economy, traditional values to some extent, and a certain degree of openness to social change, albeit more cautiously than their left-wing counterparts
In this context, the “center-right party” is a political party that aligns with these ideologies
The reference indicates that this party, traditionally seen as less progressive in terms of diversity and representation, has been actively working to broaden its appeal and include more diverse candidates within its ranks
A legislative body of government that has the authority to make laws, debate national issues, and scrutinize the work of the government
In countries with a parliamentary system, it is a central institution of democracy and governance
Members of Parliament(MPs) are elected to represent the public and make decisions on national policy and issuese
The term “run for Parliament” means to campaign as a candidate in an election for a seat in this legislative body
The goal is to be elected as an MP and have the opportunity to influence national legislation and policy
Racial homogeneity of the group, implying it is predominantly white and lacks ethnic or racial diversity
Gender imbalance, indicating that the group is overwhelmingly male and lacks significant female representation or leadership
The group’s ideas, policies, or attitudes are outdated, lacking innovation or adaptation to current social, cultural, or economic climates
Ethnic diversity:
Inclusion of people from a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds within a certain context, such as an organization, government, or society as a whole
Ethnic diversity is often highlighted as a positive attribute that contributes to the richness of cultural experiences, perspectives, and ideas
In this statement, “ethnic diversity right at the top” likely refers to the highest levels of leadership or decision-making in a country, organization, or sector, indicating that individuals from a range of ethnic backgrounds are represented in these influential positions
New normal:
A state or condition that, after initially being considered unusual or atypical, has become standard, usual, or expected
When Sunder Katwala says that “ethnic diversity right at the top has become the ‘new normal,’” he is indicating that the presence of ethnic diversity among the highest ranks of leadership is no longer an exception or a rare occurrence
Instead, it has become an expected and standard feature of leadership structures, reflecting a significant shift in societal norms and expectations regarding representation and inclusion
High office
Positions of significant authority and responsibility within the government or other powerful institutions
These are leadership roles that have substantial influence over public policy, decision-making, and the direction of the country or organization
Examples of high office positions include presidents, prime ministers, cabinet members, judges in high courts, and other top-ranking officials
The mention of “diversity in high office” suggests an emphasis on having a varied representation of individuals from different racial, ethnic, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds in these influential positions
Disparities or unequal conditions in society that affect individuals’ opportunities, access to resources, treatment, and quality of life based on various factors like income, race, ethnicity, gender, age, and other attributes
Social inequalities can manifest in various sectors, including education, healthcare, employment, and justice, leading to significant differences in how individuals experience and navigate their lives
To politicize something means to turn an issue, topic, or situation into a subject of political debate, often with the intention of gaining advantage or support in a political context
It involves framing non-political issues in a way that aligns them with the agendas or ideologies of political parties or movements
When it’s said that someone is “deliberately politicizing race,” it means that race and racial issues are being intentionally used or highlighted in political discussions or campaigns, not necessarily to address the issues themselves in a constructive manner, but to influence public opinion, garner political support, or achieve specific political goals
Wedge issue
A wedge issue is a controversial or divisive topic used by political parties or figures to split apart or create tension within opposing groups, or to rally support within their own base
These issues are called “wedge” because they can be driven like a wedge between groups, often exacerbating divisions and distracting from other matters
Wedge issues are typically highly emotional or morally charged and can influence voters to support one party over another, even if their overall political views might not align perfectly with that party’s platform
trail behind
To be at a disadvantage or lagging in comparison to someone else, typically in a competitive situation
It suggests that one party is performing worse or is less popular than another party, based on some measure or criterion, such as opinion polls or public support
Policy or phenomenon of promoting the coexistence of diverse cultures within a single community, society, or country
Includes recognizing and valuing cultural diversity, encouraging different cultural traditions to thrive, and fostering inclusivity and mutual respect among people from various ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds
Individuals, often politicians or public figures, who tend to cause disagreement, conflict, or division among people
When someone is labeled as a “divisive politician,” it implies that their actions, policies, statements, or general demeanor contribute to creating or deepening rifts within society, often polarizing public opinion
Qualities, values, beliefs, and ethics
In this context, “content of your character” refers to the qualities, values, beliefs, and ethics that define a person’s moral and ethical character
It emphasizes the importance of an individual’s intrinsic qualities and actions in addressing issues like racism, discrimination, and in efforts to unite and lead communities
To leave one political party, group, or allegiance to join another, especially to one that is considered an opposition or rival. The term often carries a connotation of betrayal or abandonment of one’s previous loyalties or commitments
To publicly and formally express strong disapproval of someone’s actions or statements
When it is said that Sunak has denounced comments by a party donor about a Black female politician, it means that Sunak has openly criticized and rejected the remarks made by the donor, indicating that he finds the comments inappropriate, offensive, or unacceptable

Professor Notes

Whales: West part of Britain
Small country 2 Million people
Rural, small cities
Working class country, mostly (90%) White
Reality of the UK multiculturism
Wales have their own Parliament, of course London Parliment itself is over
Have their own self-governement
Minister: Leader of the country
Black British man to be the first prime minister
Vaughan GEthing
Mixed Race
First time in the UK for a Black to become the minister
Four branches
Governement London, Whales, scotton, and
None of the UK
Racism still persists
All of the UK coming to terms of legacy of racial discrimination
Rishi Sunak, background was Indian
NOrthern Ireland
Both Irish white women
Zambia: Former British colony
Labor party is popular in Wales
Gething Speech: Moving on to a new era, and write this history together
Cabinate minister
Parlimentary system. Different from present
No presidental election, they have a monarch, a king, but don’t have power
Also memebers of Parliament
Parentage Indian
Home Secretary: Keeping order in the country
Trade Secretary: Dealing with trade
Both are black men
Trade Secretary: Dealing with Electricity system
Sunak, asian
Member of Conservative party
center-right: somewhat conservative
pale; White, male: old men, stale: outdated
Ethnic Diversity
Right at the top
Government need to do more, still structural probleme exist in the cities
Sunak making race as a political system
Parliamentary system
The limit is 7 years, but can call for an eleciton every time
Party well, hoping you can get more people
Labor and liberal want an election, being famous, but governement don’t want to call one
Conservatives are thought to be lost
Sullever Braverman
Not white
But was against multiculturism
Failed, and Britian is being invaded
Lose position, still representing people
Still has power
Suella Braverman, not white, but is inflaming racism
If you are racist, you are likely to be a conservative
Lee Anderson
Islamists(Terrorist Ideology), this radical mayor of London happens to be Islam, but don’t see the difference betweeen Islamic
Was suspended
Lee Anderson went to the far right, built on the racism
He says Sadiq khan given control to the Islamists
That doesn’t mean it is against all Islamists
Conservative party itself is not against Islams
Frank Hester
Donated to the Conservative, having lots of money
Diane Abbot, black woman need to be shot
Extremely racist
Sunak, asked to return money, but was ignored
Sayeeda Warsi
Used to charge of the party
Cameron, reponsible for the Brexit vote
Sayeeda was not white, non-whithe in the cabinet 2010
Now racism seems to be worse
Lot’s of people protests, conservative trying to break down the protests
Against Jewish attacks
Jewish protests are mostly peaceful, but government trying to target British muslims
Lots of them moved to Britain
Non-white people less in Britian cities
Georgl Floyd, protests in England
Destroyed statues of Edward Colston(Slave Trader)
Church of England(Official Church ) Profited from the Slavery
Try to acknowledge the wrong they did, and invest in poor black communities in England
Government apologize.. opening door
Law suits, compensation
Tony Sewell
This money is meaningless
There is racism, but it is not a government policy to become racist
Defending gov, there is no real discrimination against people
Still Black face poverty and worse health
For example, lots of people died about
Nowaadays, its more about class, family structure, … that is contributing this within,,,