
The UK of Britain of Ireland

-Most of Ireland is an independent country
-Ireland is the western most country in Europe
- 1800: Let’s merge in
1801: Merged!
-4 countries within one country

-Now it achieved independence
1790, before the act of union

Post Office
Get roof, shoot
Walls, bullet holes, as a remembrance of East Risen

prison they were executed
The Irish Sea
Body of water seperates the two countries
Sea: Of the outermost country

1918 UK ELection Reslts
Different political parties of election
Blue: Conservative
Green: Sein
Purple: Union supportive because of terrorist party King Charles. Steal Ireland, pinal laws
Sinn Fein won almost everyone except northern counties up there

Most of Ireland Independent

The UK of Britain of Ireland

Forced Ireland to be merged Great Britain
Scotland benefited from joining UK, but Ireland did not
Before 1800s had it own parliment and government
Not military force
Irish politions, title and bribed them, then the Irish Parliment voted to join the UK (Corrupt)
Nationalism in various degrees, some wanted full independence, while most wanted partial independence like having a self government in the UK
-Homerule: Still in UK but can govern ourselves in some extent
-Issue came out again, not many people were happy about
-Tried to vote, but lost al the way up to 1914
-We can’t focus on homerule, because we have to World War1
-Resistance organizaton come out, gave independence and take it away
-Much strict IRB:
-Easter Risen: Attact British
Right around the Eastern Holdiay
German might help, UK being the enemy in the world
Roger Casement . British found out this plan, was killed for treason(Fight against own country)
Nationalist was saying we are not part of the UK, why treason


-Hope everyone join all throughout Ireland
-Why they not wanted to join?
Beaten up, It will not happen. Think will end up in a disaster, not want to join
Landlords, Irish people had to pay for their own land
-1600 peopele took
post office; Main gov building, big building, higher position can shoot people
Patrick Perse showed up on the steps, read the document (Like declaration of Independence)

4th paragraph:
Send bunch of soldiers from England and marshall law
Inserrection crushed, 450 people killed, 2000 people injured
At first, I told you, it is a bad situation, now look what you did, we have marshall law
British government overreacted.
Arrested 15 leaders, executed them
Lots of people angry: Did not get their right as a british citizen
(Trials public, Magna Carta, basic fundamental right, didn’t get that, don’t have lawyers representing them)
Used as betrayal.. he was part of ~
Kidnapped these people to England without a trial
Marshal Law, pressure
Turned Irish people against the government
East Risen people didn’t die in vain, but sparked more interest in nationalism and independence
Didn’t take long for the soldiers to get there

Election to the British Parliment
Sinn Fein, Republican army
Political arm of IRA
Won full independence of people
All of them voting for full independence unlike before
Sinn Fein, we are not going to London, own parliment, declare independence again
British army, still in Ireland, start fighting against soldiers
Advantage: Know where they are, British soldier don’t know where they are
Pretty successful over the guerilla war

1921, started negotiating, stopped the fighting, signed British parliment
Ireland not part of the UK, still have some British Influence
Six northern countes remained => Ireland divided
We want to stay in the UK
WHy? (Ref)
Send people to Scotland, and took over (land) Scotland dominant of Political culture)
Rest of Ireland became free state
Completely out of the British Influence

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musical genre characterized by rhythmic speech or chanting over a beat