Technology is fuelling a global Irish language revival

Professor Notes

-Everyone in Ireland learn Irish
-West of Ireland,
-British control the Ireland over the years
-The place is remote, and have an ancient history
-Gael, tacht regin
First Paragraph
Gaeilge: Irish word meaning Irish
-RTE like broadcast, television programs
-West, remote and don’t encroach in these areas most
-Calin Chin won some awards
-Irish words, mixed in here
-Some phrases they used, in a daily basis
Appetite to learn Irish
-Not only happening in social media and culture
-Schools immersion, learn everything in English
-Almost everyone in Ireland speaks English, but lots of people wanting to learn Irish
-Eant to Gaeltacht to set up schools
-Irish and Spanish learned most in Duolingo(Application)
-Pop-up Gaeltacht: Bunch of us can get together and use Irish like meeting in a library or cafe
-Woman,Molle teaches Irish online
-People are getting more confident,interested in Irish and they feel connected
-Kids in school are learning Irish, it is a mandatory subject
-Peig: Ancient focal from a long ago language
Irish is not useless, they are teaching it in the wrong way
-Catholic schools learn a lot of the Irish schools
Nuns are strict teachers
-People can have fun learning, more than an exam subject
It’s cool to speak Irish
-Offers different language
-Growing up, personally didn’t feel Irish was intersting, but people are engaging
-Social media, a big factor
-Covid, peopel wanted something to do
-In zoom one on one language sessions, you don’t have to physically show up
Gaetacht abroad
-First one is Canada
-Started in 2007, and mostly online
-Didn’t know Ireland when growing up
-Became interested, became fluent
-Failte: Welcome
-Younger generation is interested
-Can connect with people all over the country
Members of the Gaeltalks
Using Irish Locally
Past 10 years, people became more confident speaking the English
Not the language, people began using in everyday life
Iran horse, sheep herding culture
Language and culture is connected
Culture Change
-Irish was seen as a poor language
-Lots of them immigrated from Ireland, there wasn’t a lot of economic opportunities
-If we emphasize, kids don’t know their language?
-If learn language, brain function, better understand native language
Less Pressure above
-Irish made officially EU language
Brussel headquarters of the EU country
Fonders of the group
Rusty, forgot a lot of things
Kicking yourself: disappointed in yourself
-Knowing Irish, can get some jobs
O Suilleabhain
speaking another language, put pressure on oneself
Shame, not knowing their own language
Afraid, not being perfect, and some people just give up
If throwing a few simple phrases, learn simple phrases, learn more and more
Some people: Afraid.. not perfect I am not going to do it
You have to understand that, first not easy
Difficult start, normal to be nervous, people just like you..
-Need to reach beyond
Don’t have to be fluent, supportive, have people around you
-British left, more businesses in Ireland
-That’s the person, …
-British discouraged people to speak Irish, they don’t know how to speak..


Officially chosen
Being nominated implies that the film was recognized by the awarding body as one of the outstanding works in its category for that year, making it eligible to win the award
musical genre characterized by rhythmic speech or chanting over a beat
A group of three people
In this context, it indicates that Kneecap consists of three members who perform together, likely each contributing to the music, lyrics, or both in their capacity as a rap group
To have gathered or collected something, often as a result of effort
When it is said that Kneecap has “garnered a large fanbase,” it means they have attracted and built up a significant number of fans or followers who appreciate their music
bualadh bos
“Clapping” or “applause” in Irish. It’s a phrase used to denote the action of clapping hands together to show appreciation, approval, or to offer congratulations
“couple” or “few” and can refer to a small number of items, people, or in some contexts, a short period of time
For example, “cúpla focal” means “a few words”
“word” in Irish
In the plural, “focail,” it refers to “words.” It’s a fundamental term in the context of language learning, literature, and communication
Content that has quickly gained popularity and widespread sharing across the internet, especially through social media platforms
Something becomes “viral” when it is shared extensively within a short period, reaching a large audience beyond its initial scope
Typically refers to a profile or page on a social media platform
It is managed by an individual or a group to post and share content with followers or the public
The “TG4 X account” mentioned would be the specific profile or page operated by TG4 on a social media platform, used to engage with viewers and promote their content or initiatives
craic(pronounced “crack”)
An Irish term that encompasses fun, entertainment, and enjoyable conversation
It’s often used to describe social activities that are lively and engaging, capturing a sense of enjoyment and camaraderie
The statement that the intern running the TG4 X account was “having the craic through Irish” suggests that the account was engaging with its audience in a fun, lighthearted manner, likely using humor or entertaining content, all through the medium of the Irish language
having a moment
Is currently experiencing a period of increased popularity, attention, or resurgence
This phrase is often used to describe a trend, topic, or cultural element that has gained significant public interest or recognition in a relatively short amount of time
The degree to which something is seen, noticed, or recognized by the public
In this context, it suggests that the Irish language is being represented, acknowledged, or featured in various areas beyond just pop culture and social media. This could include formal education, public signage, government initiatives, or any other platforms where the language is being used, promoted, or integrated into daily life in a way that raises its profile and accessibility to people
Something that has never happened, been done, or been known before
It describes events, situations, levels, or actions that are without precedent — meaning there’s no previous example or record of them occurring in the same way. This term is often used to highlight the novelty, uniqueness, or significant deviation from what is typical or expected
In this context, unprecedented means that the level of demand for Gaelscoileanna (Irish-medium schools) and coláistí samhraidh (summer college programs) in the Gaeltacht (regions where Irish is the primary language) is higher than it has ever been before
swap back and forth
Frequently changes
This phrase indicates that the popularity or preference for learning these two languages among Duolingo users in Ireland frequently changes, with one language surpassing the other in popularity at different times, and then reversing
A popular language-learning platform and app that offers lessons in many languages for speakers of various other languages
Exceeded the available spots or capacity she could provide
This means that more people wanted to enroll in her personal tutoring sessions than she was able to accommodate, indicating a high level of interest and demand for her teaching
Online seminars or workshops that allow for interactive participation through the internet
Participants can watch and listen to the presenter, ask questions, and engage in discussions, all in real-time, but from remote locations
growing in confidence
Becoming more self-assured or increasingly comfortable in certain areas or activities
It implies a positive development where people feel more capable, secure in their abilities, or willing to engage in new experiences
A strong desire or a deep longing for something
There is a significant demand or yearning for what is described next
Products, services, or interests that appeal to a specialized section of the population
Implies that the desire isn’t for something broadly mainstream but rather for offerings that cater to specific tastes, preferences, or interests
Genuine, real, or true
In the context of community, it suggests a desire for interactions, experiences, or connections that are sincere, honest, and without pretense
The creation and distribution of audio programs available for download or streaming over the Internet
Podcasts cover a wide range of topics and formats, including but not limited to interviews, discussions, storytelling, and educational content. Mentioning podcasting alongside TikTok and the success of “An Cailín Ciúin” and “Kneecap” highlights the diverse mediums through which the Irish language and culture are being promoted and celebrated
Refers to “Peig Sayers,” who is the author of an autobiographical account that was once a staple of the Irish school curriculum, especially for students learning the Irish language
A member of a religious community of women, typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience within the framework of the Catholic Church
In the context of this statement, “the nuns making you do it” likely refers to the historical role that nuns, as educators in many Irish schools, played in teaching the Irish language and enforcing the curriculum, which included books like “Peig.”
Irish language, which is a Goidelic language of the Celtic languages family, indigenous to Ireland
-When it says Caoimhe Nic Giollarnáith completed all her education “as Gaeilge,” it means she completed her education in the Irish language, indicating that her schooling and instruction were conducted in Irish
The action of people actively participating in or getting involved with
It suggests that more individuals from newer generations are taking an interest in learning, using, and promoting the Irish language, contrary to the speaker’s earlier experiences where speaking Irish was not perceived as “cool” or popular
Being overwhelmed or receiving an overwhelming amount of something
The speaker is indicating that over the last three years, there has been a significant surge in the number of people reaching out to them, seeking private lessons in the Irish language
pop-up Gaeltachts
Informal gatherings or events organized to promote the use of the Irish language (Gaeilge) outside of traditional educational or geographically Irish-speaking areas (Gaeltacht regions)
These events are typically arranged through social media or other forms of communication technology and can happen in various locations such as pubs, cafes, parks, or online platforms, especially in non-Gaeltacht areas or even internationally
Officially approved or authorized
When it mentions the Gaeltacht in Ontario, Canada, as the first and only officially sanctioned Gaeltacht outside of Ireland, it means that this Gaeltacht has received formal recognition or endorsement from an authoritative body, likely one associated with the promotion and preservation of the Irish language
A method of language learning or teaching that involves surrounding learners with the target languagein various forms of communication and social interaction, without relying on the learners’ native language
In an immersion course, participants are encouraged to speak, listen, read, and write in the target language as much as possible, which accelerates the learning process and helps them to gain fluency
Something that draws people’s interest or attention, often because it is enjoyable, unusual, or popular
When the speaker mentions the Gaeltacht being almost an attraction, they are indicating that the Gaeltacht was being viewed more as a place for visitors or tourists to experience something interesting or unique, rather than as a community focused on the deeper aspects of Irish language and culture
A distinct group within a larger population, differentiated by particular characteristics or interests
By saying that the shift to online festivals has really connected into a different segment of people, the speaker is pointing out that these virtual events have reached a new group of individuals who may not have been engaged with the Gaeltacht or the Irish language previously
Similarities or areas of commonality
The use of the term “overlap” suggests that, while there may be unique aspects to both formats, there is a significant portion where the online and physical experiences intersect, fostering a cohesive community of Irish speakers and learners globally
coming to maturity
The process of reaching a stage of full development or adulthood, both in terms of age and, more importantly, in terms of capability and confidence
The speaker is highlighting that the generation of individuals who attended Gaelscoileanna (Irish-medium schools) in the 1990s and early 2000s has grown up and reached a point in their lives where they are confidently using the Irish language in various aspects of their daily lives, such as in their professional environments and social interactions
