American Novels


Chap 1 to 3 Game
1.What time period was a reaction against Reason and return to nature?
Romanticism(1800 to 1850)
2.Every citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work and determination.
The American Dream
3.The freedom to go anywhere and become anyone has profoundly shaped the American psyche.
The Road
4.The theme about a young person’s transition from being a child to beeing an adult is called.
Coming of age
5.When the written material was mainly Sermons, Diaries and personal histories.
Colonial/Puritan Period 1600-1800
6.What was Scott Fitzgerland’s original “working title” before he changed it to The Great Gatsby?
Under the Red, White, and Blue
7.Theme: this is a very self-conscious medium and call to action/progress(e.g. making “To Do” lists)
(이거는 자의식이 강한 매체이며 타깃을 반응하게 하는 행위 또는 과정이다)
The printed word
8.Which (shortened)list of the Major Time Periods is the correct order?
Puritanism - Reason - Romanticism - Realism - Modernism
9.Which time period was mainly about a return to Nature and finding independence and self-reliance in one’s action
10.Theme: What major population shift occured at the turn of the 19th century, a generation before The Great Gatsby?
many people moved from the country to the city

Chap 4~6 Game

  1. Who is Mr.Wolfsheim?
    A: He is a gangster/racketeer and he fixed the 1919 World Series.
  2. Fitzgerland uses the 4 Elements throughout The Great Gatsby. What element is Gatsby?
    A: Water
  3. What kind of vehicle passes them on the QueensBoro Bridge heading into New York?
    A: A hearse
  4. What does Nick think is happening to his house after returning to his house in New York?
    A: It was on fire
  5. What did Gatsby almost knock over when he met Daisy?
    A: a clock
  6. Who said “I was brought up in America but I was educated at Oxford.
    A: Gatsby
  7. Who is Klipspringer?
    A: He is the “boarder” who always seems to be at Gatsby’s house.
  8. When does Jamer Gatz change his name to Gatsby?
    A: at the age of 17.
  9. Nick tells Gatsby that “you can’t repeat the past.” what was Gatsby’s response?
    A: “Why, of course, you can!”
  10. Describe the meeting between Gatsby and Daisy.
    A: It was initially very awkward. Gatsby was like a “little boy”.

Chap 7~9 Game

  1. Tom and Mrytle are represented by which of the 4 elements?
    A: Earth
  2. What did Nick “clean” away from the steps of Gatsby’s deserted Mansion?
    A: A dirty obscene word
  3. The instruments used to create American rhythm were used by the marching bands of the Southern pro-slavery states.
    A: True
  4. At first, Nick didn’t believe Gatsby had been to Oxford or Europe. What changed his mind?
    A: He saw a photograph.
  5. I drift here and there trying to forget the sad things that happened to me.
    A: Gatsby
  6. What is the name of the public park in New Orleans where all American music began?
    A: Congo Square
  7. Who said: “It’s all scientific stuff; it’s been proved.
    A: Tom Buchanan
  8. Who was Dee Dee Chandler?
    A: He invented the bass drum petal.
  9. How does Gatsby describe Daisy’s voice?
    A: full of money
  10. Who was driving the car that hit Myrtle?
    A: Daisy
  11. What does George Wilson say about the TJ Eckleberg advertisement?
    A: they are the eyes of God.
  12. How does Tom discover Daisy and Gatsby are having an affair?
    A: He sees them looking at each other.
  13. What does Ben Franklin and Gatsby’s copy of Hopalong Cassidy have in common?
    A: lists
  14. What does Klipspringer come back to Gatsby’s mansion to get?
    A: his tennis shoes
  15. At the end of the story, what does Nick decide to do?
    A: go home to the Midwest.
  16. How does Nick refer to the Tom and Daisy?
    A: careless
  17. Who attends Gatsby’s funeral?
    A: Nick, Owl Eyes, and Gatsby’s father

Final Questions


  1. He believes in green light
    A: Daisy/Money/Envy/The American Dream
  2. Death and Wasteland
    A: The Valley of Ashes (industrial wasteland)
  3. What is the advertisement of Doctor TJ Eckleburg for?
    A: Eye-glasses which represent God/conscidence/the theme of seeing/modern media / Thomas Jefferson Disgusting (Eckle) Town (burg)
  4. Fire / Water / Air / Earth
    (New York City)
    “constant flicker of men and women”
    (Daisy Buchanan, Jordan Baker, and George Wilson)
    East Egg
    “on a windy evening” The only completely stationary object in the room was an enormous couch on which two young women were buoyed up as though upon an anchored balloon.
    They were dressed in white and their dresses were rippling and fluttering as if they had been blown back in after a short flight along the house.
    West Egg
    “A sea change of faces
    Tom Buchanan and Mrytle
    Valley of Ashes
    “waste land” “a solemn dumping ground” “a fantastic ashes grow like wheat in grotseque gardens”
  5. Gatsby’s copy of Hopalong Cassidy & Ben Franklin have in common?
    A: List: self-improvement and American sense of progress, production
  6. Your love belongs to me. At night when you’re asleep Into your tent I’ll creep. The starts that shine above, will light our way to love. You’ll rule the land with me
    A: The sheik of Araby (Rudolph Valentino) / Wolfsheim??
  7. Tennis shoes
    A: Klipspringer, the piano player
  8. The politician?
    A: Nick Caraway
  9. Those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away
    A: Gatsby
    (If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgerous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away.
  10. canon
    A: Tom Buchannan
  11. Votes For Women
    A: Suffragettes Women’s Right to Vote 1920
  12. Name one of many technological inventions that shaped the novel Gatsby and America, And How or Why?
    A: Car, Cinema, telephone
  13. A person who sold alcohol illegally
    A: bootlegger
  14. No booze sold here Brooze hounds please STAY OUT
    A: Prohibition
  15. -energetic freedom, embracing a lifestyle viewed by many at the time as outrageous, immoral or downright dangerous
    -now considered the first generation
    -pushed barriers in economic, political, and sexual freedom
    A: Flappers
  16. How are we finally introduced to Gatsby in chapter 3?
    A: Nick talks to him without even realizing it’s Gatsby. i.e. average guy
  17. What kind of people are at Gatsby’s party when Daisy and Tom visit in Chapter 6?
    A: Movie industry people
    (“I’ve never met so many celebrities” Daisy
    “I’d rather look at al these famous people in oblivion” Tom
    “And watching the moving-picture director and his star”)
  18. Where do all the big fights/ conflicts/ moments reach their crisis point?
    A: In New York
  19. At the end of chapter 7, Gatsby stands waiting outside the Buchanan’s mansion. What was happening inside while he was waiting?
    A: Tom and Daisy, talk quietly with cold fried chicken on the table then go to bed.
  20. How does Tom figure out Daisy and Gatsby were having an affair?
    A: He sees them.
    (“You always look so cool” she repeated. She told him that she loved him and Tom Buchanan saw. His mouth dropped a little and he looked at Gatsby, and then back at Daisy as if he had just recognized her as someone he know a long time ago.)
  21. Book symbolize?
    A: Real vs. Fake
  22. Been in family for generations vs. First generation with money Owns heirlooms(antique pieces from ancestors) of furniture or Owns all/mostly new pieces of furniture or jewelry
    jewelry Does not need to show wealth by purchasing extravagant items Feels the need to show wealth to impress others
    Belongs to Elite Upper Class Belongs to any class but the Elite Upper Class
    Highly educated (Ivy League) Not necessarily educated
    A: Old Money vs. New Money
  23. What does Nick call Tom and Daisy at the end of the book?
    A: “careless people”
  24. Any connection to Greek Mythology?
    A: The green light -The goddess Hera is associated with the peacock, which has green feathers that symbolize her power and authority)
    hubris (excessive pride or self-confidence. Excessive pride toward defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis)
    -Jay Gatsby, can be seen as a tragic figure who suffers from hubris. Despite his humble beginnings, Gatsby becomes obsessed with the idea of winning back his lost love, Daisy, and he builds up a vast fortune and an extravagant lifestyle in order to impress her.
    Gatsby’s car ( a matter of hubris)
    Gatsby’s mansion
    -In Greek mythology, the idea of the hero’s quest was often linked to the search for a home, a place of refuge and safety where the hero could rest after his trials and tribulations. Similarly, Gatsby’s mansion can be seen as a representation of his quest for belonging and acceptance in society.
    Gatsby’s garden
    -Complex and often deceptive nature of the world in which the characters live.
    The Greek goddess of victory, Nike
    -The idea of victory or triumph is explicitly linked to Nick’s character. For example, Nick describes himself as having a “high moral sense” and being “one of the few honest people” he has ever known, suggesting a sense of moral superiority or triumph over the other characters in the novel.
    25. What object did Gatsby accidently knock over and then catch before it broke “with trembling hands”?
    A: A clock representing the theme time
  25. “I’m p-parlysed with happiness”
    A: Daisy
  26. ‘Whenever you feel like critisizing anyone’, he told me, ‘just rememeber that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”
    A: Nick’s father
  27. “Well, it’s a fine book, and everybody ought to read it. The idea is if we don’t look out the white race will be - will be utterly submerged. It’s all scientific stuff; it’s been proved.”
    A: Tom Buchanan
  28. “They’re a rotten crowd. You’re worth the whole damn bunch of them”
    A: Nick Caraway
  29. “And I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy.”
    A: Jordan Baker
  30. The original working title for The Great Gatsby?
    A: Under The Red, White, and Blue (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald)

GameBoard Questions

Character Question Game

  1. What was Jay Gatsby’s birth name?
    A: James Gatz
    2.What was the name of Gatsby’s first mentor?
    A: Dan Cody
  2. What President is associated with TJ Eckleberg?
    A: Thomas Jefferson
  3. What is the name of Daisy and Tom’s child?
    A: Pamela
    5.What does Nick’s name mean?
    A: Victory/Nike
    6.What does Tom Buchanan’s name mean?
    A: Canon
    7.What is the name of the drunk man in the library?
    A:Owl Eyes
    8.Who was the former classmate of Nick’s?
  4. Who was a wealthy polo player who was a football star at Yale?
  5. Who was the young stockbroker who has recently broken off an engagement?
  6. Who resembles a ghost?
    A:George Wilson
  7. What kind of people attended Gatsby’s party? Tom and Daisy disliked them.
    A:People from the film industry
  8. Who “fixed” the 1919 series?
    A:Mayer Wolfsheim
    14.Who is the Sheik of Araby? Why?
    A:Gatsby because he is new money in the outside and a threat to Tom’s old money.
  9. What character(s) are portrayed in a very racist way.
    A: Wolfsheim, African American, Italian immigrants.
  10. Who was Suzanne Lenglen? What character was she an inspiration for?
    A:Jorden Baker
  11. Who drove a white roadster?
  12. Who is the well-behaved character in the book?
    A:Pamela, Daisy, and Tom’s daughter.
  13. Who wanted to leave New York and move “out of west”?
    A:George Wilson
  14. Where do all the characters in the novel come from?
    A:The Midwest / heartland

    Character Quote Game
  15. “I want to get one of those dogs,” she said earnestly.” I want to get one for the apartment. They’re nice to have – a dog.”
    A: Myrte Wilson
  16. “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages you had.
    A: Nick’s father
  17. “I’ve been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library.” Did I tell you about the books? They’re real.
    A: Owl Eyes
  18. “I’d like to just get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around?”
    A: Daisy
  19. Jimmy was bound to get ahead. He always had some resolves like this or something. Do you know what he’s got about improving his mind? He was always great for that. A: Gatsby’s father
  20. “I’m in the artistic game”
    A: Mr.McKee
  21. “I undestand you’re looking for a business connection.”
    A: Wolfsheim
  22. “He thinks she goes to see her sister in New York. He’s so dumb he doesn’t know he’s alive.”
    A: Tom Buchanan
  23. “And I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy.”
    A: Jordan Baker
  24. “So, we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
    A: Nick
  25. “Can’t repeat the past? Why, of course you can!”
    A: Jay Gatsby
  26. “And I hope she’ll be a fool-that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”
    A: Daisy
  27. “You see, they’re tennis shoes, and I’m sort of helpless without them.
    A: Klispringer
  28. “When are you going to sell me that car?”
    A: George Wilson
  29. “Your wife doesn’t love you. She’s never loved you. She loves me.
    A: Gatsby
  30. “Oh you want too much! - I love you now - isn’t that enough? I can’t help what’s past.”
    A: Daisy
  31. “On the white steps an obscene word, scrawled by some boy with a piece of brick, stood out clearly in the moonlight, and I erased it.”
    A: Nick
  32. “You see I usually find myself along strangers because I drift here and there trying to forget the sad things that happened to me.”
    A: Gatsby
  33. “You think I am pretty dumb don’t you? Perhaps I am, but I have a -almost a second sight, sometimes that tells me what to do. Maybe you don’t believe that, but science–”
    A: Tom Buchanan
  34. “It takes two to make an accident. I don’t like careless people. That’s why I like you.”
    A: Jordan Baker

    Color Symbolism Questions
  35. What does Yellow symbolize?
    A: The novel uses Yellow to accent new money trying to be like “old money”, high society, and deceit. Gatsby’s car
  36. What does Gold symbolize?
    A: is associated with old money, status and prestige. “turkeys bewitched to dark gold”
  37. What does Blue symbolize?
    A: melancholy, loneliness, tranquility, and fantasy, such as Doctor T.J.Eckleburg’s blue eyes, Gatsby’s blue gardens, blue leaves, blue lawn…water
  38. What does White symbolize?
    A: White represents purity, nobleness, goodness, innocence, and wholeness.Daisy’s Roadster
  39. What does Black symbolize?
    A: Depression, mourning, turmoil, utter confusion, and hell:”blue black is the color of chaos”
  40. What does Silver symbolize?
    A: elegence and beauty jewelry and richness; moonlight and stars are often silver: …the silver pepper of the stars…
  41. What does Green symbolize?
    A: green represents the American dream, New Money, envy, hope, nature, and revival.
  42. What does Red symbolize?
    A: related to blood, so it represents violence, danger, and rage. As white and red are colors of Daisy and Tom’s house, red is Tom’s color and symbolizes his personality: arrogant, selfish, and cruel
  43. What does Grey symbolize?
    A: The Valley of Ashes-hopelessness, lifeless, ghost-like discontent, and low social class George Wilson.
  44. What does Brown symbolize?
    A: Brown symbolizes tradition, organization, conservativeness, and the element of Earth. Mrytle uses this color to pretend to belong to Tom’s World.

    Game Plot Questions
  45. What does it mean if someone comes from “New Money”?
    A: A money is not from old family money that is inherited.
  46. What job does Jordan Baker have? Then, explain the significance of having a job.
    A: Golfer/modern woman
  47. Who was driving the car that hit Mrytle?
    A: Daisy
  48. Why did Gatsby replace all of his servants?
    A: To hide his affair with Daisy.
  49. What does Wilson say about the eyes of Doctor TJ Eckleberg on the billboard?
    A: They are the eyes of God.
  50. Who attends Gatsby’s funeral?
    A: Nick, OwlEyes, a few servants, and Gatsby’s father, Henry C.Gatz.
  51. What does KlipSpriger return to the house to get?
    A: Tennis Shoes (Dismissing Gatsby’s friendship for fun & good times)
  52. How does Nick refer to Tom and Daisy at the end of the book?
    A: Careless people
  53. At the end of the story, Nick leaves New York to go where?
    A: MidWest
  54. What two things did James Gatz write in the Hopalang Cassidy?
    A: Daily Schedule and list of his self-improvement resolutions.
  55. Tom and Mrytle are represented by which of the 4 elements?
    A: Earth
  56. How does Gatsby describe Daisy’s voice?
    A: Full of money
  57. On the day after the confrontation between Tom and Gatsby in New York City, what does Gatsby instruct his gardener not to do?
    A: Clean the Pool
  58. Why does Tom bring up the word “science”?
    A: White superiority, Sun distance to Earth
  59. Give an example of how weather is an important motif in this novel.
    A: It’s raining when Daisy and Gatsby met.
  60. Who assumes the reponsibility for Gatsby’s funeral arrangements?
    A: Nick
  61. What three main characters die in the novel?
    A: Myrtle Wilson, George Wilson, and Jay Gatsby
  62. What does Gatsby knock off of the mantle when he is reconnected with Daisy? What does this symbolize?
    A: A clock. Gatsby’s inability to control time.
  63. How did Gatsby make his money?
    A: Jay Gatsby got his money from bootlegging and fake stocks
  64. What is the Valley of Ashes? What does it represent?
    A: Industrial waste land between West Egg and Manhatton representing despair and death

American Literature Timeline

  1. Colonial Puritan period (1630~1750) -What was the main theme?
    Religions concerns sin and pure Christian ideas.
  2. Revolutional Period (1750~1800)
    -What was the writing style of this period?
    Political pamphlets and persuations
    -What was the major event?
    American Revolution
    Political pamphlets and persuations
  3. Romanticism Period
    -What was valued most in the period?
    Intuition and nature
  4. Transcedental Period
    -What was the writing about during the period?
    Self and nature
  5. Realism
    -What was written or portrayed during the period?
    Realities of life
    -What was the major events?
    The Civil War
  6. Modernism
    -What was the themes of this period?
    American dream, alienation disillusionment violence and decay.
    -What was the major event?
    World War1
  7. Harlem Renaissance
    -What was the main musical genre at this time?
    African American Jazz
    -What was combated at the time?
    Racial Stereotypes
  8. Post Modern / Contemporary Period
    -What was can’t this period ever really know?
    What is real.
    What is it concerned with?
    Individuals in isolation / social issues /multicultural / gender
    What were the major events?
    World War2 / Civil rights / War Korea / Vietnam/