Abraham Lincon (1809 ~ 1863)

-16th President of the US
-Widely considered one of the great leaders of world history
Born in the state of Kentucky in a log cabin
Did not receive any formal education, but loved to read and write, trained himself to become a lawyer
Nickname was “Honest Abe” for being honest

Elected 16th President of the US
Known to be a strong opponent of slavery
=> Propelled Southen States to secede from US and form a their own nation called Confederate States of America
Led the US through the Civil War
Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, freeing many slaves.
Emancipation Proclamation: Declared freedom for enslaved people in all Confederate-held territories, essentially aiming to cripple the Southern war effort by depriving them of their labor force
Re-elected to the presidency
Believed that the most important goal of war was maintaining a union
Not long after the Civil War, Lincoln was assassinated by a man who had supported the Confederacy during the Civil War.