The Louisiana Purchase (1803-1804)

1763: French And Indian War, all lands east of the Mississipi river was ceded to Britain by France
1783: American War for Independence, British surrendered => Newly formed America acquired all lands East of the Missipi River
1803: President Thomas Jefferson negotiated a deal for about $15 million with the new ruler of France, Napoléon Bonaparte
(Napolen needed money to fund his military campaigns, felt little use of the Louisiana Territory, which had a very few European settlers and no actual administration
=> Geographic area of the US doubled in size
-Upon acquiring the Louisiana Territory, the US claimed the exclusive rights to purchase or forcibly take lands from various American Indian tribal governments who actually owned them. Not all of these interactions and treaties between the US government and the tribal governments were fair- many came from broken treaties, coercion, forced removal of indegenous inhabitants, and threats of violence

The Expedition of Lewis and Clark(The Corps of Discovery) (1805~1806)

Few Months later of the Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson received approval from the congress to assemble a team of men