Advanced Effective Speech Week5

Review Last Class

Recluses in SK
Someone who avoids other/stay home
More like a psychological issue
Reasons: No money, energy, mental health, no job, no love life
Lack of dating in SK
Driving factors: no money, no time, safety issues
Dating Courses
What do they teach?
Money isn’t everything, social skills, communicating, breakups, respect
Key Questions
Can love be taught?
A gray area: Not clear, vague
Extrapolate:(for data, %, numbers)
Have small numbers, extending to a bigger scale
Predicting a pattern based on a small sample of data
Guess based on something known
Preview of Next Week
Next week, not coming here
Can watch anytime
Send attendece PW


The official person current in position or holding office
the present incumbent of the White House
predecessor != successor
predecessor: the previous person in that job/position
successor: the next person who took the job
hush money:
Money paid to keep someons silent, usually about some kind of secret or illegal activity
When you’re embroiled in something, you’re tangled or mired in to it - in other words, you’re involved so completely that it’s hard to get away from it
After the company was accused of violating privacy laws, its CEO became embroiled in a series of legal battles that drew attention from around the world
Embroiled in a scandal
aftermath: The period after some event
In the aftermath of the hurricane, the community banded together to rebuild homes and restore essential services, showing incredible resilience and solidarity
Littered with:
If something is littered with something negative, it is full of it, has lots of that thing etc
The abandoned house was littered with old furniture, newspapers, and dust, making it look like a time capsule of the past
Tipped to:
To be mentioned as a likely winner, likely to be successful etc.
The young athlete, with her impressive record and dedication, is tipped to win the national championship this year
A style of leadership where the ruler has complete power-like a dictator; opposite to democracy
The CEO’s autocratic leadership style left little room for input from employees, leading to dissatisfaction and a lack of innovation within the company
To downplay:
Make something appear less serious or important than it really is
Despite the significant environmental impact, the company tried to downplay the oil spill, describing it as a minor incident.
A whistleblower:
An informer; someone who reports on illegal activity
The whistleblower’s courage in exposing the corporation’s illegal dumping of toxic waste led to widespread reforms and a major cleanup initiative
To impeach:
To charge the President or another holder of a public office with misconduct
Lawmakers voted to impeach the president after allegations of misconduct and abuse of power were substantiated by an investigation
To undermine
Lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of something
The constant criticism from the media served to undermine the politician’s credibility and effectiveness in office.
To retaliate:
Make an attack or assault in return for a similar attack, revenge attack
After the cyberattack on their systems, the government was quick to retaliate against the country believed to be responsible, launching their own series of cyber countermeasures.
Having or expressing strong devotion, love, passion for your own country
During the national holiday, the streets were filled with patriotic displays, with citizens proudly waving flags and singing the national anthem to express their love for their country.

Next US Election

Understanding Trump’s Appeal
Joe Biden(Incumbent) vs. Donald Trump(Predecessor)
Trump’s time as president, plus the build-up
Tipped to win
Asked for intentions for the elections
Trump is projected to win

Trump’s Various Scandals

Russion Collusion
Helped influence outcome of presidential election
Russin hand pushing the election
=> Embarassing
He was charge when covid happened
Lots of criticim of how he handled the pandemic
Downplayed the severity of the virus
Contradicting public health experts
Slow and inadequte response
Admiration for “Strong Men” Leaders
America proud of being home of the democracy
Have good relationship or fine about, think its great, strong head of the country
Shocking, don’t hear American presidents saying like that
Stormy Daniels
Ethical Issue
Mkade hush money payments
Financial Issues
Personal money or Taxes?
Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Sexual assault and etc several
Quote: When you’re a star, they let
Attacks on the Media and Freedom of the Press
Reality, doesn’t matter, the image is good
Fake news, create stories
CNN biased, and they are selling fake news
Responds to every small criticism
Attacking freedom of speech and media
Riots-A Literal Attack on Democracy
Should not accept results
Go to Washington, fight
Incited, provoked anger in this protest mentality
Thousands of people took over guns and
Politions hiding
Dramatic and Embarassing
-A whistleblower reported Trump had pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to smear someone
-Rules in politics, he will do anything to win
Muslim Ban & Immigration Policies
Travel ban
US is always fight against terror and is in high alert
Tougher plan to security and terrorism
See how strong how I am image
Blacklist of countries, you are banned purely based on nationality
A total “ban” on muslims
Original was muslim
This is racist
Extended list because he thought he made a mistake
Saudi should have been number2, when it was about security
911 one of the issues
Tax Returns and Finanicual Issues
Like him for being a successful businessman
President, release tax refund
Refusal to release tax returns
Seperation of Immigrant Families
Zero Tolerance
Children and parents seperated
Why? What’s the benefit
Looking tough
Prison conditions, against this policy
Charlottesville Comments
In 2017
Rallie, protest of white supremists, anyone who’s not white should be out of the countries
Turned violent and turned into a brawl
WHat Trump said was both sides were very fine
He says they are fine people
So many other black marks
Environment: Stop from Americ developing
US from Nato
Need restructuring
Bring US out of them
Made comments about South Korea: South Korea should pay everything
So What’s his appeal
Good at making image
Immigration and Border Control
Get things done
-Mexico-US border wall
Tough, saw social media in the news
-Travel ban
LIked the idea and like the action kind of approach
Obama, too causative, and AMericans liked ths
Economic Factors
Active business in the 1980s
Now lots of things are made in Mexico, India, China and other countries
Attractive to Working-class Americans
Based in AMerica business, attracting business class Americans
-Trump said he was patriotic and said that he supports for that
Easy to champion of the working class
-Rust Belt
NOrthern US ex.Detroit, home of manufacturing
So these areas are collapsed
Easy way to try and attack people
Make america great way
Patriotism was also an easy way to appeal voters
Many white americans felt overlooked and they feel they lifted them up
Party voters
Race as a Unifying Factor
Mostly white people
Targeted, and unifying factor
Leader of white americans
Made it as an unifying factor
Profile of voters, and used it very well
-They liked the identity
After focus on minorities
-Whenever there’s a job, blacks and other people get job
Trump will make things right again
Image, Leadership & SNS
Supporters care about the image, not the facts
Trump type anything
Many people felt like thinking directly, because of the US
Republican guy, vote for him
Playing Dirty & Lies
Will break anything to win
20,000 lies
TIME: respectable publication
Say negative, standard reponse fake news
Alternative facts
Moved to pushed truth, post-truth
Easier to lie, look at the statistic and make it to look like one thing
Example: 8 industries
Industry1: 10% growth
Other Industires: NO Imprvoement and Loss
Erase other industries data
Focus on Industry1
Focus on whatever statistics is beneficial to him
During His First Presidency, DId Trump Deliver
WHat did he tried to deliver and failed
-Successfully Delivered
(1)Tax cuts
For rich people
Not totally clear
-Partially Delivered
(2)Bringing US troops home
Did bring troops but not all
Twists everything, flips, and more successfull than it was
Start questioning everythings
Living in the matrix
-No Success
Allowing torture
Human rights, so soft
Review: The key to Understanding Trump’s Appeal
Make everything black and withe
Trump’s messages are not clear, but without seeing the news, it seems realistic
Strip away all the details, dumming down the story