Advanced Effective Speech Week3

Shamima Begum Case Review

Basic Overview
Girl who left the U.K. for I.S.
Reasons for S.B. going to I.S.
-Influenced by Shar
-Influenced by propaganda
Example: Brother in arms, Utopia, we want to build a new Utopia
Damaging 2019 interview
-No regrets
-She saw a severed head but was unfazed
(People sees hear as radical)
U.K. government’s reaction
Stripped her of her citizenship -> stateless
Mixed feelings in the U.K. towards her
She was young
She can be rehabilitated
Her children
Dangerous/ threat (Recruit, brainwash other people)
Enforcer (Making other people suffer, some say she was just dumb)
Her choice
British Police blame
Police gave letters to the children instead of Parents
2023-24 Updates
Appeals -> Lost
Chances aren’t coming back

Last Week Vocab Review

To strip someone of
=take away, remove, revoke, cancel
A poster child
=poster boy/girl
pre-example, or a previous case that sets a standard
Manhunt Organized Search
Famous for bad reasons
So bad it can’t be spoken about

Daily vocabulary

A Gray Area
This is a phrase for doubts or ambiguity
(An area or situation which it is difficult to judge what is right and what is wrong)
E.g.Who is responsible for this is a bit of a gray area
E.g.Whether this is illegal or not is a bit of a gray area
For the most part
This is used for expressing your opinion support for something, or your feeling and means “mostly,” or a little more than half.
and means “mostly,” or a little more than half
It’s shows your preference, but isn’t enthusiastic.
You might have some doubts
(Mostly or usually)
E.g.For the most part, I like this plan but I’m not 100% sure if the budget is realistic
E.g.I like Juwon for the most part, but I’m not sure she’s the right for the position of the leader
Crystal Clear
This is the opposite of a gray area.
It means everything is 100% clear: obvious, detailed. easy to understand etc.
E.g.Olly:All good? Is everything clear?
Students:Crystal clear!
To Crash (Somewhere)
To sleep somewhere
E.g.I was so tired, I crashed on the sofa last night
E.g.Keith drank too much, so he is going to crash at Leo’s house
E.g.When I was traveling to Rome, I crashed at Mario’s place

Article Vocab Preview

A reculsive/reclusive
Meaning: A person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people
E.g.He is a reclusive millionare who never gives interviews
E.g.Seojin lost all her confidence and became a recluse
Meaning: remove or takeaway from somewhere or some situation
E.g.I’m going to withdraw some money from the ATM
E.g.Budweiser withdrew its sponsership for the Qater World Cup after the hosts banned the sales of alcohol
Meaning: Suppose or guess that something is the case on the basis of probability
E.g. That house is huge! I presume it’s out of the budget
E.g. After Emma and Paul had a huge fight, I presume they split up
Meaning= To guess or think about what might happen using the information that is already known …
…Extend the application of a pattern, data, or conclusion assuming that the same trends will continue
E.g. If we extrapolate the data from the 1st year of the Covid pandemic, we can guess the rate of the spread for the next 5 years
E.g. Wow! Jamie’s fast! His 5km time is 22 minutes! If you extrapolate that up to 10km, his time would be 44 minutes
Venture out
Meaning = To proceed bravely out into some unknown, new, exciting, or dangerous people
E.g. The group of explorers is getting ready to venture out into the wilds of Antartica
E.g. After arriving in Barcelona, I ventured out of my hotel to find a restraunt
Lots of people withdrawns from society and live like reculsives
stricture: strict system, rules or laws
Data Analysis
Extrapolated the data and have 610,000 remove themsleves from society
-Emotionally and physically isolated
Don’t have no friends or Even in their house given up
Losing job or difficult finding one
Difficulty forming human relationships
resolve: determined

Hikikomori: Why S Korea is paying youg recluses to leave home
Pay to intice themselves out
Why no interest in dating?
-General dating rate itself decreased
-Don’t want to meet someone
-emotional capacity??
Not Enough Money to Date?
-Duo(Dating app)

toxic masculinity: toxic behavior towards woman
deterred: something stops you from doing something