Advanced Effective Speech Week3

Review vocab

To Ring a Bell
Remember(not fully)
To Twist Someone’s Arm
To Play It By Far
Without plans, go with the flow
Very upset(strong/serious)
To Slip something in
Put something in secretly
False reason
Very tough(long)
In-a-row 3 days straight
All/100%-Straight A grades


(Organized Search)
A major research for someone who has escaped or disappeared, for example a missing person or criminal
->범인 추적, 조직적인 범인(또는 탈주자) 수색
e.g. A massive manhunt is in ongoing for the suspected murderer
e.g. Despite the nationwide manhunt, the police couldn’t find the missing girl
Vanish/Disappear into the air
To disappear suddenly and completely, especially in a way that is mysterious and without any evidence or clues
e.g. Despite the nationwide manhunt, the police couldn’t find the missing girl
Famous for a negative reason;notorious
->악명 높은
e.g.Detroit is infamous for its high crime levels
e.g.Michael Jackson was famous for his music, but infamous for his sexual abuse scandals
Information or messaging which is designed to make people think in a particular way
Video & Books pushing a certain belief
->선전, 선동
e.g.North Korea uses propaganda to make its people think North Korea is a great place to live
e.g.During the cold war, the Soviet Union’s propaganda told people all Americans were evil
To Brainwash
To make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them what is true and repeatedly telling them what is true
e.g.The Russian governement brainwashes its citizens into believing the war on Ukraine is necessary
e.g.The scammers were able to brainwash people into giving up all their money
So bad, evil, shocking, awful or horrific it cannot be expressed in words
->형언하기 힘들 정도로 끔찍한
e.g.The huge earthquake in Turkey and Syria caused unspeakable grief
e.g.The Nazis crimes during the Holocaust were unspeakably horrific
To Sever
To cut off, either physically or metaphorically
->자르다, 잘라내다, 끊어내다
To Strip someone of something
To take something away from someone or something, especially something that is considered to be important-
->~에게서 A Poster Child(Boy/Girl)
A person or thing that epitomizes or represents a certain issue
->전형(으로 여겨지는 인물)
e.g.Greta Thunberg is the poster girl for environmental activism
The crime of betraying one’s country
An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in future similar circumstances
->선례, 전례
To Enforce/An Enforcerer
To make sure people follow the rules, laws etc
->(법률 등을)집행(시행/실시)하다

Shamima Begum case

3 girls: Shamima Begum(15), Amira Abase
British Muslim Girls, kidnapped?
-Young 15 and 16
-Bethnal Green Academy

-Police detectives couldn’t find any trace of -Suspected them instead of missing
-Another girl also goes missing
=>4 girls all go missing
-Sha left and joined IS

-Remove everything that doesn’t match their believes
-Serious and violent
-Responsible for lots of terror

Why did Shar want to join the group?