Advanced Effective Speech Week2

Review OT

PBL(Project Based Learning) Course
Student to Student Learning
Projects: x6 starting from today
Photos of the year: 2023 significant events
(1) Isarael and Palistan
(2) Paris strike protesting minimum wage and trash
(3) Turkey Earthquake
(4) US school shooting. US shold think again about guns

Daily Vocab

To ring a bell:
Something seems familiar, but can’t remember 100%
It hits a note in your memory, but you can’t fully remember
Q1: Do you know Olly Terry?
A1: Hmm.. the name rings a bell, does he work at Sungshin?
A2: Talk Tonight bar in Gangnam? It rings a bell, but I can’t remember exactly where it is. I’ll look it up on Naver Maps
Q3: What did our professor say about having class online in week12?
A3: It rings a bell, but I wasn’t really listening. I’ll email him to check later
To Twist Someone’s Arm
To convince or persuade someone
Q1-1: Please come with me to the party tonight, I don’t want to go on my own

I paid to have my daughter kidnapped

Ex1: Yes,
Ex2: A drowsy afternoon in the sunshine
Highly, very upset
Losing a pen wouldn’t be distraught, but losing a Feel more like
To slip something in
Put something somewhere in a hidden way
Expensive, not average, and not common
Example: Gucci, Prada are very high-end.
Boot camp
A training camp(Strict, like the army)
Punishment for young people
Extremely hard
Strongly, passionately
Radical, extreme, and dramatic
=> Strict excluded

Guardian Artice: Experience: I paid to have my daughter kidnapped

Photos From A U.S. Boot Camp

Tough, gruelling and not fun at all

Review Questions

1)Why did the mother send her daughter to boot camp? Why did the daughter’s behaviour change?
Her daughter started to misbehave, her grades dropped and attitude changed, and she hated going to school.
She wanted to help her child to become to the same old daughter as before, and thought sending her to a bootcamp might help
Reason is parent’s divorce, had to move to . 17, difficult age
After attending the bootcamp, she acknowledged she was wrong and came back to her oldself.
2)Where did the mother get the idea to send her daughter to boot camp from?
14-year-old son(brother) was troubled with drugs, but a strict boarding camp changed him. Intense treatment works, do the same to the daughter
Thought that this would work for her daughter as well
3)Why did the mother have to rush when making this decision about dealing with her daughter?
(3)-1 Tuition
Beauty school fees were due coming up the Saturday and also legally (3)-2 Age
She had no control over her daughter when she reaches 18
4)What was the mother’s action plan for getting her daughter from their house to the boot camp?
At Friday night, the family went to dinner on the pretence that it was to celebrate her new school which was actually to stop her seeing friends and ensure she’d be home for the escorts
After their appearance in the middle of the night, the security service flew with her to the Utah desert


What do the underlined bits mean?
That Friday night we went to dinner on the pretence that it was to celebrate her new school
fake reason to cover something real
scam, fake reason
=> Stop her for going somewhere else
She finished high school with straight As
My diet has been straight
2)In a row
Exercised for 7 days straight

Choose 2 of the vocabulary words (from the preview) and make example sentences with them

I went to a high-end beauty salon
I can’t afford high-end clothes that is why I went to Hongdae
High-end products are hard to buy
My highschool class was gruelling
Drastic + Bootcamp
In order to lose weight, she chose the drastic option of going to bootcamp
She was drowsy, because of the sleeping pill
Every morning I get up feeling drowsy
I slept a lot, but I ma still drowsy
When I sleep a few hours, I feel drowsy

I felt drowsy, because I slept at 1AM
We commonly see people trying to show off in instagram by displaying high-end products in their posts, and want people to admire them
Bootcamp is harsh, but does have a postitive influence

Choose 2 of the vocabulary words (from the preview) and make example sentences with them.

-Both, 50 50.
-Close to B. Discipline, strict is necessary and far from psycho. Intention was not bad
-Psycho mom. She is 17 years old, not really young. Needs respect. Want to change as her kind
-ROTC. Know how hard. Like mum
What was the most memorable, shocking, or eye-catching part of this article?
Aggressive Loving beauty but she wanted the straight A daoughter
Pills shocking
Ideal daughter

NOt force her to go to bootcamp, recommend instead. The way she treats her wrong
Quite illegal
Shocked, not see my mother again

How much c
Use physical punishment, 회초리, pills not a good way. SOmetimes mandatory
Illegal, lose control of her body
Little bit.. ok
Child aggresive

Discussion Questions

VOTE: Is this mum a.) a psycho mum or b.) just giving tough love?
Isn’t the daughter just broken?
Being Kidnapped, Utah desert
Talk with her instead of kidnapping her
Lots of students found it serious
Concept of control is tricky
Difference between controlling or setting rules

pretense: fake reason
Slip sleeping peels

Wish follow up, not criminalized

moved across the country to bring up my daughter and son in Florida, so we

1st Project

Make a 5-minute video presentation (in English)
-5-minute is a minimum
-Shouldn’t be 10 to 15 minutes though
Choose 1 of the following
-Debate the pros and cons of the kidnapping Mum’s approach
-Make a message directly talking to the Mum in the article giving her advice on how to better handle her daughter’ situation
-Answer some of the discussion questions from today’s PPT
-Go back to last week’s Time’s Photos of the Year; pick 5 photos to review; you can answer the key questions about them and add your own analysis
-Follow the instructions
How much detail, and is that information correct
Film seperately is ok, but looks at how it is
Doesn’t matter, look like one team
Style of Video is up to you
Pretended like a round table discussion