AWS Storage

Storage types
Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Storage)
-Stored in the unit of Block
-High speed SSD or HDD is attached to computing instances
Amazon S3 (Amamzon Simple Storage Service)
-Stored in the unit of Object
Amazon Elastic File System
-Similar to NFS(Network File System)
-There’s a large storage. Through the network diverse machines can use the storage as if the file system is connected to my desktop
-Large enterprises and applications use the storage
Amazon Simple Storage Service Glacier
-The storage is a cold storage. Datas that are not accessed frequently but needs to be stored are stored in the above storage

1.Elastic Block Storage (EBS)

Block Storage vs. Object Storage
What if you want to change one character in a 1GB File? Object storage:Entire file must be updated
Block storage: Change one block(piece of the file) that contains the character

Amazon EBS
Create individual storage volumes and attach them to the Amazon instances
-EBS offers block level storage
-Volumes are automatically replicated within Availability zones
-It can backed up automatically to Amazon S3 through S3 snapshots.
Boot volumes and storage for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances
Data storage with a file system
Database hosts
Enterprise applications

Amazon EBS volume types
| | General Purpose SSD | Provisioned IOPS SSD | Through-put Optimized HDD | Cold SSD | |—–|—————–|—————-|————–|——————-| |Maximum Volume Size| 16TIB | 16TIB | 16TIB |16TIB | |Maximum IOPS/Volume| 16000 | 64000 | 500 |250 | |Maximum Throughput/Volume| 250MIB/S | 1000MIB/S | 500MIB/S |250MIB/S |
-Maximum IOPS: Volume per max calculation

Amazon EBS Features
-Point-in-time snapshots
Requests made -> instantly snapshots are made and stored in S3 buckets
-Recreate a new volume at any time
When needed a new volume can be generated
-Encrypted Amazon EBS Volumes
-No additional costs
-Increase Capacity
Even when the volume is attached to the EC2 instance it is available to change the capacity
-Change to different types
Ex. Types of storage can be changed from General Iops to Provisioned Iops

Amazon EBS: Volumes, IOPS, and pricing
-Amazon EBS volumes persist indpendently from the instance
Even when the EC2 instance is no longer used, EBS volumes persists
-All volume types are charged by the amount that is provisioned per month.
General Purpose SSD:
Charged by the amound you provision in GB per month until storage is released.
Charged by the amount of requests to volume
(requests:the amount you read/write)
Provisioned IOPS SSD
Charged by the amount that you provision in IOPS(multiplied by the percentage of days that you provision for the month)

Added cost of Amazon EBS snapshots to Amazon S3 is per GB-month of data stored
Object is generated and stored in S3 to store snapshots
4.Data transfer
Inbound data transfer is free
Outbound data transfer across Regions incur charges
-Accessing EC2 instances and storages within the regions is free.

2.Simple Storage Service (S3)