> < <br/> Elastic Load Balancer <br/> / | \ <br/> / | \ <br/> / | \ <br/> < > > <br/> EC2 Instance Container AWS Lambda <br/> <br/> Types of Load Balancer <br/> | Application Load Balancer | Network Load Balancer | Classic Load Balancer | |-----------------|----------------|--------------| | Load balancing of HTPP or HTTPs requests | Load balancing of TCP or UDP or TLS requests | Load balancing of HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, and SSL requests | | Routes traffic to targets based on contentd of requests | Routes traffic to targets based on IP Protocol data | Load Balancing across multiple instances | | Operates at the Application Layer(OSI Model Layer7) | Operates at the Transport Layer(OSI Model Layer4) | Operates at both the Application Layer and Transport Layer | <br/> How Elastic Balancing Works <br/> -Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer: <br/> Register targets to target groups and routes the traffic to target groups <br/> -Classic Load Balancer: <br/> Register instances with load balancer <br/> <br/> Elastic Load Balancing Use cases<br/> -High availability and fault-tolerant applications<br/> -Containerized Applications <br/> -Elasticity and scalability <br/> -Virtual Private Cloud <br/> -Hybrid Environments <br/> -Invoke functions over HTTP <br/> <br/> ## 2.Amazon CloudWatch <br/> Why cloudwatch is needed? <br/> To use AWS efficiently, you need insight in your AWS applications. <br/> -How do you know when to launch more Amazon EC2 instances? <br/> -Is your application's performance or availability being effected by a lack of sufficient capacity? <br/> -How much of your infrastructure is actually being used? <br/> Amazon CloudWatch Functions <br/> -**Monitors** <br/> AWS Resources <br/> -Applications that run on AWS -**Collects and Tracks** <br/> Standard Metrics <br/> Custom Metrics <br/> -**Alarms** <br/> Send Notifications to an Amazon SNS topic <br/> Performance on Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling or Amazon EC2 instances <br/> -**Events** <br/> Define rules to match changes in AWS environment and route these events to one or more target functions or streams for processing <br/> <br/> ## 3.Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Why is scaling important <br/> If setting the capacity based on when having the most traffic, it generates unused capacity, leading to waste of EC2 resources. <br/> When setting capacity on average traffic income, it generates over capacity <br/> Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling <br/> -Helps you maintain application availability <br/> -Enables you to automatically add or remove EC2 instances according to conditions that you conditions that you define <br/> -Detects impaired EC2 instances and unhealthy applications, and replace instances without your intervention <br/> -Provide several scaling options - manual, scheduled, dynamic, or on-Demand, and predictive <br/> <br/> Auto Scaling Groups <br/>