AWS AutoScaling

1.Elastic Load Balancing

Step1: Problem Analysis
Elastic Load Balancing
Distributes incoming application requests or network traffic across multiple targets in a single availability zone or multiple availability zone
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      Elastic Load Balancer <br/>
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   <           >            > <br/>   EC2 Instance    Container    AWS Lambda <br/> <br/> Types of Load Balancer <br/> |    Application Load Balancer   |   Network Load Balancer    |   Classic Load Balancer  | |-----------------|----------------|--------------| |  Load balancing of HTPP or HTTPs requests    |  Load balancing of TCP or UDP or TLS requests   | Load balancing of HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, and SSL requests  |   |  Routes traffic to targets based on contentd of requests  |  Routes traffic to targets based on IP Protocol data | Load Balancing across multiple instances | |  Operates at the Application Layer(OSI Model Layer7)  |  Operates at the Transport Layer(OSI Model Layer4) | Operates at both the Application Layer and Transport Layer | <br/> How Elastic Balancing Works <br/> -Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer: <br/> Register targets to target groups and routes the traffic to target groups <br/> -Classic Load Balancer: <br/> Register instances with load balancer <br/> <br/> Elastic Load Balancing Use cases<br/> -High availability and fault-tolerant applications<br/> -Containerized Applications <br/> -Elasticity and scalability <br/> -Virtual Private Cloud <br/> -Hybrid Environments <br/> -Invoke functions over HTTP <br/> <br/> ## 2.Amazon CloudWatch <br/> Why cloudwatch is needed? <br/> To use AWS efficiently, you need insight in your AWS applications. <br/> -How do you know when to launch more Amazon EC2 instances? <br/> -Is your application's performance or availability being effected by a lack of sufficient capacity? <br/> -How much of your infrastructure is actually being used?  <br/> Amazon CloudWatch Functions <br/> -**Monitors** <br/> AWS Resources <br/> -Applications that run on AWS -**Collects and Tracks** <br/> Standard Metrics <br/> Custom Metrics <br/> -**Alarms** <br/> Send Notifications to an Amazon SNS topic <br/> Performance on Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling or Amazon EC2 instances <br/> -**Events** <br/> Define rules to match changes in AWS environment and route these events to one or more target functions or streams for processing <br/> <br/> ## 3.Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling   Why is scaling important <br/> If setting the capacity based on when having the most traffic, it generates unused capacity, leading to waste of EC2 resources. <br/>  When setting capacity on average traffic income, it generates over capacity <br/> Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling <br/> -Helps you maintain application availability <br/> -Enables you to automatically add or remove EC2 instances according to conditions that you conditions that you define <br/> -Detects impaired EC2 instances and unhealthy applications, and replace instances without your intervention <br/> -Provide several scaling options - manual, scheduled, dynamic, or on-Demand, and predictive <br/> <br/> Auto Scaling Groups <br/>
Collection of EC2 instances that are treated as logical grouping for the purposes of automatic scaling and management

Scale out vs. Scale in
Scale out: Launch instances due to increase in traffic
Scale in: Terminate instances due to decrease in traffic

How Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling work?
Launch Configuration
Instance Type
IAM Role
Security Groups
EBS Volumes
VPC and Subnets
Load Balancer
Maintain Current number
Health Checks
Manual Scaling
Min, max, desired capacity
Scheduled scaling
scheduled actions
Dynamic Scaling
scaling policies
Predictive Scaling
AWS auto scaling

AWS auto scaling
-Monitors your applications and automatically adjusts capacity to maintain steady, predictable performance at lowest cost
-Provides simple, powerful user interface that enables you to build scaling plan for resources